Anyone been out on the lake yet? looking at heading out tomorrow around noon.. anything biting yet? Any tips/hints would be great…!
April 17, 2007 at 12:57 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Clearwater Lake » Anybody fishin’?
Anyone been out on the lake yet? looking at heading out tomorrow around noon.. anything biting yet? Any tips/hints would be great…!
well, the normal spots produced crap for me today. maybe you have a couple of hot spots but i think the water temp rising so quickly today turned the afternoon bite off. went from 53 to 60 over the day on surface temp. early bite was all right but down hill from there. jigs (every kind), rattle traps and jerks, i tried them all. I am sure someone had better luck. Maybe they can help.
Was out on the lake on 4-16-07 hit alot of spots and best spot was the clearwater forest bay (trailer park).
The color we used was a white flu/flu and a green flu/flu, that was also the warmest bay we found.
Good luck.
Thanks for the Info!
I’ll let you all know how it goes! Heading out at 11 am today!
I have been out there everyday since Saturday working the bays checking temps the best temps I have found is 50 degrees.. The bite is slow and the size are small. Alot of pressure on the lake this past weekend with the nice temps and again today there was a dozen or so boats moving around testing the bays. Everyone I talked to is having the same luck as me, when on them they are small and the bite is few and far between.. The weather changing rapidly may play part mainly the nights are still getting cool.Just wondring if everything has been pushed back with the late winter ice we got..
Will keep you all posted with daily changes as the days go by. I will also be working other local lakes within my area and posting there current conditions..
Clearwater bite is slow yet and the days have been off and on. Seems like mornings have been the best result between 6 and 9 a.m. As for other lakes in the area Pelican has been producing large crappies and fast action. Seen one guys limit and not one was under a pound and some pushing pound in a half. Another lake hitting crappies in this area is Sylvia/Twin and this lake has some very nice slabs as well since it is a more recreation lake in the summer then a fishing lake. It does not see alot of pressure from fisherman because the fisherman get pressured by the recreation users in the summer months. They do not like fisherman out there during the summer.. But lately the landing has had its share of boats and word is the crappie bite is on and producing some nice pound plus slabs. Hope this helps you out if you have any other questions please feel free to ask away and I will be glad to help in anyway possible..
Hi Glenn,
Given your post history in the Clearwater folder, I’ll deem you as the resident expert. I live in St. Michael, which is not too far but have never fished Clearwater before. What type of species are prevelant? Also looking to bring my boy out for some panfishing here. Could you share some good “starter” locations? Thanks, in advance, for any feedback.
Best Regards,
The lake species consists of Northern, Walleye, LM Bass, Sunnies, Crappie, and Bullhead. Now it has a growing population of Carp and of coarse the terror of the spawning areas the Dogfish.
There is a wide variety of areas to fish that will produce consistent action. But before we continue on with places to fish you must be warned this lake is dangerous to just jump in a boat and hit the water. Please do your homework before attempting to approach this lake. In one spot it can be 30 feet deep in the middle of the lake and right next to it still in the middle of the lake you can find yourself in 1.9 feet of water Beware of the islands there are fingers running off them and the water is shallow as well. To run your boat from the westside to the eastside you will be taking a zig zag routefrom either to the other. Stay to the southside of the lake cause the northside is a bit more dangerous especially if you attemp to go from east to west or west to east over there. Third island on the northside will eject you and your friends/family from your boat if you attempt to cross it at any speed above drifting unless you know this area well..Otherwise the lake is a decent size lake with alot of structure use a gps with a lakemaster chip or equivelent chip to do some browsing of the structure,shallow points weed beds etc. If you are shore fishing there is a few good spots right now both boat landings are producing crappies and sunnies and a few bass here and there.. Anymore questions feel free to ask..
Ditto what Glen said… I have been on that lake many times with my fathers boat (has a place right on augusta)… I will NEVER put my I/O in that lake. That has some SERIOUS structure. He ain’t kidding when it goes form 80 feet deep to 1 foot deep in the matter of 10 feet. Serious underwater cliffs in that lake! But some serious fish as well. Good advise, Glenn!!!
Great info. I sincerely appreciate the heads up on the lake layout. I am fairly new to the fishing scene, at least with my own boat, and my wife would kill me if I bang up the boat, or worse, the family. I do have the LM chip at the helm and a NAV chip in the front. I’ll be sure and take it easy out there. Glenn, thanks again for the fishing info….. It is appreciated!
What day are you looking at getting out on Clearwater? If you want and if I am available I will lgadly meet up with you with my boat and I can show you a few spots to be cautious about and show you the zig zag path to the eastside of the lake.. Just PM me and we can try and set up something if I am not out of town on a tourney… I am on the lake everyday otherwise..
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