Current lake conditions..

  • gjk1970
    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    As mentioned last week the ice is gone over between Grass and Clearwater the opening has tripled in size since last report. Some of the bays have open water as well around the edges and out about ten feet from shore. The main lake shore seeoms to be taking its time to open but the shore it opening in alot of spots. I seen some spots where it was 3 feet of water and some closer to 10 feet from shore around the main lake areas on the westside..Ice is looking very black and took a beating from the other days rain fall.. Won’t be long now with these temps before we are all out in our boats again..
    My guess would be two weeks at most unless we get a drastic cold front that hangs around..
    As far as anyone on the ice fishing still, there were none out there today when I drove around and no signs showing they were there before I made my rounds.
    I will try and sneak out tomorrow and check the thickness of the ice still out there and will update this post as the days of summer keep getting closer..

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Hey Glenn,… I am sure you know what you are doing… but I would not suggest going out onto the ice with the conditions we have been seeing… Just concerned about your saftey man.

    on a side note… you ought to see if you can make the April 1 GTG… catch a few cats… and can give you back your face mask… been in my truck since we fished clearwater. honestly, getting tired of it sitting in there.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Thanks for caring Dave, I was unable to get out there had to make a last minute change of plans and head to the cities for some boat seats..Thanks Jon
    I am heading over there tomorrow and going to take a look at the ice a bit closer I will not venture out I will bring my anchor on a rope and do some throwing and listen to what she sounds like and go from there.
    I will be down at the GTG to get on some of them Cats…So yes I will pick up my mask at that time. I am going to need it here soon with this weather we have been getting..

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Ok got out and drove around the entire lake today. 3/27/2007 The ice is bad for anyone thinking about going out on it, they even confirmed this on the news for this lake today. The shore is open nearly all the way around and some spots approx. 25 yards out and away from shore..
    It looks like the boats will definetly be on the water ib the next 2 weeks..

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    It looks like the boats will definetly be on the water ib the next 2 weeks..

    I’m planning on you and Paul to give me a 1st class tour of the lake on 4/14.

    I believe you owe me……Aaaaa, I mean Tyler a trip. Besides I’d like to see the new rig.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    You are more then welcome to join us on one of our ventures out on Clearwater and hopefully the new rig will be ready to go on the 14th. I had the pick up date set for the 16th and then I have some electronics to install but maybe I will just go get it next week and do the install..

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    I was out on Rush lake in Rush City, on Sunday, the ice was bad. I think it will be gone by next tuesday if not sooner. I think we had 11 inches of ice out there. Getting boat ready for Rush and Clearwater

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Was over on Clearwater this evening again and the ice has seriously submitted to the current temps. McBrides which is no longer open for business but has the public landing across the street has enough water open to drop a boat in but you will not get far. By this weekend I am assuming we will be able to access the river from that landing which is great cause from the river north you can reach the main lake with no ice.. Some of the bays are already open water, and the shoreline as of today is definetly a good 50 yards out is open water… Boats will be on the water this weekend if the progress keeps at this pace.. BEWARE of the floating debris the first few weeks of open water though.. Every year we see floating docks,logs and left over ice house parts left behind by people and some of that stuff is large enough to cause grave danger to a persona boat so be very careful out there..

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    Thinking on going to Clearwater Sunday with Derek “jiffy-boy” Johnston with the Lund. Think the ice will be gone enough to fish the bays?

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    It may be open enough for a boat or two by then I will check it out again tomorrow and let you know what she looks like again throughout the weekend..

    craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 688

    How’s the lake looking, gotta think with this rain the ice should be going fast.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    We just got back from the sportsman show and did a complete drive around the lake. The ice is in full retreat but the main part of the lake on the west side has still gotta alot of ice cover on it. The wind has shifted and has now blown the ice against the west shore (BJs side), the shore has a pile of ice on it from the wind shift and the ice chunks on shore are 3 to 4 inches thick. There is no more breaking going on so I am assuming the ice still against the shore is thick enough to with stand the beatings.

    By tues. or weds. I assume the lake should be pretty well ice free..

    But for the weekend I would say there are good chances of being blocked into a bay if the wind shifts and the ice agrees with the shift. The lake is choppy so mother nature is giving what ice is left a hard time to stay but she would have a better chance if she would raise the temps another 10 degrees..

    The eastside of the lake has alot more ice cover then the westside though but a person could launch out of the eastside private launch there and make it to the point there on the north shore but cant get around the point as of yet..

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