Here are a couple of tidbits from the very-late-but-soon-to-be-approved state of WI budget. These are buried in the Natural Resources section:
Specify that the Department of Natural Resources hold an annual catch and release muskellunge season in the area comprised of Wisconsin inland waters north of U.S. Highway 10 (excluding Wisconsin-Michigan boundary waters) beginning on the opening day of the general game-fishing season determined by DNR (generally the first Saturday in May) and concluding the day prior to the day the DNR established muskellunge fishing season begins. Further, specify that no person may use any hooks, baits or lures other than artificial lures with barbless hooks while fishing for muskellunge during the catch and release season. The current muskellunge season in the area comprised of Wisconsin inland waters north of U.S. Highway 10 is held from the Saturday nearest Memorial Day to November 30. Barbless hooks are defined, in NR 20.03(5) of the administrative code, as hooks with no barbs, or hooks with barbs that have been compressed to be in complete contact with the shank of the hook.
Specify that no person may use any hooks, baits or lures other than artificial lures with barbless hooks while fishing for bass during a catch and release season established by the Department of Natural Resources. Barbless hooks are defined, in NR 20.03(5) of the administrative code, as hooks with no barbs, or hooks with barbs that have been compressed to be in complete contact with the shank of the hook. Currently, the DNR holds a catch and release season for bass in the area comprised of Wisconsin inland waters generally north of U.S. Highway 64 (excluding Wisconsin-Michigan boundary waters) beginning the first Saturday in May and concluding the Friday preceding the third Saturday in June.
To review the Natural Resources budget document in full, click here.