Door County

  • bamorris
    Posts: 6

    Headed up to door county to fish for the first time ever. Im hoping to show my girlfriend a great time, as i am going with her family and draging my boat along. Were staying at the tip, Gills Rock. Im looking to do some smallmouth and pike fishing looking for some advice never fished this area before nor any of the great lakes so i need lots of help im thinking i will be needing to fish some of the bays to stay out of the rough water. I have a 17 foot bass boat and hear it can be pretty rough any advice would be great

    Posts: 6259

    I would stay on the Green Bay side if I were you, but you can pick your days, Sturgeon Bay can be fished like a lake, its basically a channel connecting Lake Michigan and Green Bay, Rowelly’s Bay on the Lake side would be fun to fish provided you can get into it and out of it with out an east wind kicking large rollers from the entrance to the landing. I would go on whatever side was wind protected, ask lots of question at the bait shops as your spending a little money- they will help way more than I can, the fish should be shallow or moving in. It is a very very cool place to fish…good luck and be safe!

    Posts: 6259

    looking over at the Lake Michigan area, z-man has a nice report- drop him a PM

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