Never made it to Deer. The boys started on Wapo Friday night and had such good luck the only spot they fished that we went back Sat and Sun. Sat. was good from about 11:00 til noon, then slowed until about 4:00, then picked up aagin, but we didn’t stay for the final push which kind of bummed me out, but that’s life fishing with 9 guys who like watching basketball during the tourneys. Sun. was not good at all until late and while we never got to the second spot until late Sunday, it was only good at dark. Nice craps and ‘gills, though. Craps in the 12″-14″ range and ‘gills up to 9″. We were fishing 9′-11′ mostly, though the second spot I was in 15′-16′ of water. Second spot I had fish coming off the bottom all the way up to 7’ but not eating, which in my opinion is weird, cause in my liimited panfish experience that’s when they smoke it!!!