Warning to ice fisherman

  • eyebuster
    Posts: 1025

    A Buddy of mine just called. He was fishing a local lake near Hayward last night and a C.O. Came and flipped one of his tip ups so the flag went up. Did not say a word and waited for fifteen minutes. Luckely he took a look before time expired and did not get a ticket. They are going around ticketing people who do not respond to it in 15 minutes for an unattended tip up. Just a caution.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    I hope I notice a badge or uniform when they flip my flag

    I have been know to go off on people around my tip ups

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    that’s such BS… I’ve been out a few times when I’ll notice the flag up but the spool not spinning so I figure the flag just popped but ‘no fish on’. No sense in hurrying over to the tip-up if there isn’t a fish… I’ll have to go back and re-read the regs to see if it says you have to attend a ‘flipped’ tip-up within 15 minutes or if you have to attend a “fish on” tip-up within 15 minutes (or if it says anything at all).

    Posts: 3227

    Sounds like entrapment to me.
    With the ice conditions this year I suppose
    there is not enough rule breaking taking
    place so they have to create it.
    What a joke!
    I’d tell your friend to call the DNR and ask them if they condone this activity.
    Hopefully he got his name and or badge number.


    Posts: 1399

    I’m with King on this one, that is BS! Is the DNR so low on money that it has to resort to picking on a law-abiding citizen to generate revenue? Surely there’s bigger fish to fry….like the PIGS that leave their litter all over the ice, or the guys tearing up the shoreline cattails on their damn 4-wheelers, or the slugs that leave little perch and panfish on the ice to die because they think they are too small to keep! Heck, go bug those people and quit with the harassment.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22729

    Isn’t that considered “tampering” with your set-up ?

    big g

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    this actually happens quite a lot more than one might think. The DNR feels as though you need to “check” your tip ups every 15 minutes in order to be attending them although not written in the regs…and yes this is a crock of crap. I was out once in a heavy snow storm with a tip up about 15 feet away from me only to have a “friendly” CO walk up and threaten to ticket me because my tip up had snow on it and felt as though I wasn’t attending to it enough…

    Posts: 1025

    Bull is exaclty what I sad, I also said entrapment but he said how would that be any different then when they put out their Deer decoy. It is the same thing. i have no problem with them doing their job I actually am greatful that they are their but I think some of this stuff has gotten out of control. maybe the badge goes to their heads. Pick on the people who are actually breaking the law, not the guy who is just enjoying catching some fish. We have had a few run ins with this CO in the past. During deer hunting season two years ago she wanted to ticket one of our guys for leaning on his truck with his gun resting on the ground in his hand. We were in a big group next to a farm. Like we were hunting at that time. What a B!*#%

    Posts: 1399

    Isn’t the whole purpose of a tip-up so one does not have to physically have it in their hand?!?!? That’s why the flag “tips up”….so you don’t have to tend to it until the flag goes up….duh!!!!!!!!!!!! I suppose if I go out to check my tip-up I’ll get a ticket for leaving my rod, huh? Why then allow us to fish multiple lines thru the ice??? I agree, these officers have their hands full, but quit trying to be tricky dicky and go find some real bad guys. Good Grief!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Boy, that guy is likely to have some ugly encounters if he keeps doing that. In my opinion tripping someones tip up is no different than tripping someone’s trap….and there are serious legal consequences for doing that in Wisconsin.
    My two cents.

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