spring turnover??

  • bkman
    Posts: 49

    Was fishing last night and noticed what used to be crystal clear water is now murky and has algae like clumps floating up into the hole. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with run off, but does anyone know when the lakes actually turn over in the spring?

    Woodville, WI
    Posts: 129

    If you check the water temp under the ice and it is above 34-36 degrees that seems to be when the lakes start. —–Pax



    Pax is right on with the water temps. To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as spring turnover. Scientifically the closest thing would be stratification.

    Stratification is the process that sets the whole lake up for turnover later in the fall. Once water temps get over 50-55 degrees, the lake starts to develop the thermocline, which is the area that seperates the cool lower layer and the warmer upper layer.

    What you were probably seeing as you stated was gunk being carried into the hole from the melt and runoff. There are times when plants decaying on the bottom may start to shed some gunk and I have noticed that stuffs floats.


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