I wonder if he had a failure with the truck that caused him to end up that way? If he’s fished there all his life, I can’t imagine that he would knowingly make that mistake!
Yeah, I told you to stay left but not because of the hole, but because the landing doesn’t match the decline of the shoreline. If you don’t bank left, your trailer is always at an angle and complicates your landings. Launches aren’t as critical…………for obvious reasons. I know you know what I’m saying too so I won’t give ya any lectures but that landing DOES require some thought or it can be a “less than pleasant” experience!
I think if you and I were to pick a popular weekend and just fish areas visible to the landing, we’d probably witness a lot more “clumsy” landings than the general public would want us to be witness to!!! However, to cut them some slack, we should admit that the landing isn’t for rookies. Hudson would be wise to build a new landing over toward the dams. The eastern area could serve just as many rigs and allow a better angle of entry/exit. Roadside parking is permitted to so actually, you could park more people. BUT, I don’t run the town and I know how to work the landing we have so until it erodes away to “canoe only” status, I’ll just stick with it.
Chug Bugs huh? Hmmmm………….just happen to have one or few of those…………..maybe someday I’ll have to dig one up and give it a go! Ya think??? Nice hearing about you finding some fish out there!
Don’t wear ’em all out!