Sounds like your in the Birchwood area or near Rice Lake? Most of my fishing in that area is on the Nelson Flowage north of Hayward and the Namekagon east of Cable. I also have a friend who is in between Grindstone and Lac Court Oreilles. Because I know you might have some experience trolling from ftr, I believe all of these lake are trollable. Even though they are bigger, you might be able to develop a pattern that will work. I am a big fan of fishing after dark. Try to figure out what kind of passes you can make, then try ’em at dark. Bet you’ll get into them.
Is that the Long Lake east of Haugen? I know its supposed to a hard one to fish, but again, check on the trolling on this one, if you can’t troll, stay shallow and find some weeds in the 5′ – 15′ range. Make sure you check which lakes you can troll first before you try my suggestions, and Good Luck!!!