Wisconsin Deer Hunters

  • leinieman
    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Well the day before the season is upon us again. Or is it the calm before the storm. Owning land and living adjacent to thousands of acres of public land I hear a lot of shooting. Please be carefull out there,where a saftey strap,and know your target and whats beyond before squeezing off that shot. Good luck on bagging that buck. Steve

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Who hid the deer. I got tired of sitting in the tree so took a coffee break at home. My stand is about 2 hundred yards away.Ate lunch and unloaded a load of firewood and getting ready to head back out I just had to check and see if the fish were biting. Ok so whoever hid the deer please let them loose so I can get this done and hit the Chippewa for some shore walleyes. Steve

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Leinieman, didn’t you find the 8 pointer I tied up for you out there? Last I checked deer couldn’t chew through nylon rope! J/K! Plenty of deer up by that Island Lake area but the bucks are being rather cunning this year. Oh well, the Pup thinks he’s got a game plan for the second leg!!!

    Buy a cow!

    Posts: 6259

    Shot a 10 point buck on opening day! As soon as I figure out how to use my picture disk I will show a picture…..a true trophy and my first one, 22 years in the waiting. Shot it less then two miles from the Chipewa river just north of Jim Falls, Bill

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Sweetness! WAY2GO!!!! I’ll be looking forward to seeing that!

    Over on FTL, Tom Gursky shared a shot of his 9 pointer. Any chance we can talk you into sharing the story…………..translate the heart pounding suspense??? Do tell! Do tell!

    Posts: 6259

    yes I will, and when you here it you’ll realise nailing a big one like this is just as much luck as skill……

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Hey Stillakid I looked everywhere but I didn’t find that 8 pointer untill yesterday. It was so windy that I decided to forget the tree stand and just do a very slow,creep along hunt through the tops of an area that had been clearcut. Man was it brushy,with berry brush and pickery ash that would rip you to shreds.I found a big old stump to sit on that had a lot of new growth oak sprouting up from the base.A perfect little ambush spot.It was perfect outside sunny,no clouds and I had the perfect spot. As I was sitting there I kept noticing this shadow moving on the ground in the shape of a deer. When I turned around and looked up
    YEP there’s that 8 pointer still tied to the nylon rope hovering about 100 feet up. You didn’t tell me you had him on that long of a leash. J/K !!!! Got to go,it’s time to do some more searching. Steve

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    LOL! Yah, she wuzza bit windy on Friday ya know! I kept kickin’ the same “mystery” deer around and I figured it to be a buck……….always alone, heavy thud on the run, and not leaving the immediate area………….does have an amazing effect on this! Anyway, he caught me with my guard down inside my cabin. It was just light enough at 4:55 that I saw well against the light snow cover Sat. evening, and no leg pulling here guys…………it was the BIGGEST buck of my life so far! I couldn’t count the points well but the silhouette of his rack looked to be somewhere in the 20-22″ spread range and he was no less than an 8, but with the beam length, he could very well have been a 9 or 10! Huge mass with a wide spread………..he would’ve been my biggest to date had I had a window open!!! Good news? He’s still hanging around the area and I’ve got a month’s worth of archery left to use! I’m not giving up!

    Here’s the other interesting tidbit:

    Throughout the 1984 to present history in this hunting area, the biggest of big bucks can be found annually camping out deep in the swamp. Plenty of food, cover, and nearly impossible to access because of water boundaries. We often see little bucks (basket 8’s or smaller) along the ridges because they get chased out. Now, if this bruiser isn’t leaving the perimeter, I can’t help but wonder who’s hiding in the swamp this year and how big he must be!!! Those swampers…………….so rarely get harvested, but it’s always nice knowing there’s a biggun nearby………it’s just a matter of figuring him out before he hides……………something I meant to accomplish before gun season but sick children ate up my available weekends to dial him in! If not in the cools of this year, I’ve got some great options waiting for excercise next year!

    Posts: 6259

    you still have the mussleloader season, and bow for your taste buds, I am having pictures of my buck compressed so I can send them here, I have a Kodac picturedisk and the files are too big to send to this sight or anywhere else, guess they are just intended for wallpaper and personal computer use, I am two steps away from taking this all the way to the Pentagon I should get some results soon, I cant wait to share my once in a lifetime experience with you all.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I got kinda got skunked again. I didn’t take any shots this year just like last year. I saw some that were too far away or it was too early in the morning and I couldn’t see real well or just a bit after closing hours. That’s all ok as Sunday on my way back from the stand at 9:30 or so I found a fresh scrap on the trail. It was only about 150 yards away from where I was in the tree. After I was home a friend called and wanted to know if I wanted a 7 point buck and of course I said sure. So I didn’t shoot,field dress or have to register the deer. I just had to transfer it from there truck to mine as they delivered it. This same friend shot two eleven pointers Tuesday morning on the same drive. So I guess I have one in the butcher shop and I also might find that buck with a bow. Anyone want to check out a little late season bow hunting.Steve

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’m definitely going for late bow! Steve, where abouts do you hunt? I’ll be up in that Island Lake area Sunday if you want to coordinate a meeting. Gotta good location you can monitor and a warm cabin to retreat to if’n ya need it. Shoot me a pm and I can give you directions. Otherwise, maybe we can coordinate an effort on your turf before the season is out.

    2 11’s?!?!?!?!? How many season’s does that happen?? LOL! Gotta love it!

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Yep 2-11’s so 22 points with only 2 shots of the 12 gauge. Doesn’t happen often that’s for sure. Sunday I may be up that way ice fishing. I’ll keep ya posted. We got a nice toasty house close to the stands which are already up. I hunt the Dunnville bottoms south of Menomonie. Steve

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    Whenever I see conversation about big bucks I Gotta Join it!!….Have you guys ever heard of Buffalo County Wisconsin..???.Well its only one of the best places to hunt for record buck in the World.. Steep Rollin bucks combined with fertile farm land=Lots of Monster bucks …Where do you all hunt??

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Unit 29, south of Bruce, WI about 7-8 mi. Buffalo’s a great county but so much of the land is posted it’s not to wonder why the bucks have a chance to grow large. We have people that started hunting near us 3 years ago because they lost their Buffalo Co. hunting grounds to the tree huggers. If you have a place to hunt there, consider yourself fortunate! It IS a great place if you can do it! I know there’s some monsters up where I hunt too……….missed my chance at the buck of a lifetime just this year! But I’ve seen them there before……very consistantly for that matter! My brother-in-law even got into North American Hunter with his trophy class 8 pointer from 1998. The buck I didn’t get this year would’ve been the biggest rack on our wall yet!

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    Well i’m fortunate then cause me and my brothers own 320 acres in Buffalo County..and after the first 2 days of the season I have free roam of about another 500 acres…My best friends dad owns Bluff Country outfitters of Alma WI, you might have heard of them they are a big outfitter..there website is http://www.bluffcountryoutfitters.com take a look at the record book bucks they produce every year!

    Posts: 6259

    I hunt 400 acres just north of Jim Falls. The farmer there is older (semi-retired) and he needs a little help around the place, in return we hunt his land. A pretty sweet deal if I dont say so myself.There really is very little pressure in this area and he dosent allow bow hunters so the bigger bucks do roam this area for the gun season. Sorry about not getting a picture up of mine I just cant seem to figure out the digital world……Bill

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Hey Flick,where you been hiding out at. Did you go out hunting and get lost?? Hey bigpike can you email me the photo and I’ll see if I can load it up for ya. Flick you ought to be familiar with the Dunnville Bottoms. I hunt just across the Chippewa from where the Tyrone Nuke plant was once going to be built. Jarad told me about your land down there when we went out earlier in the year with Smitty. Sounds like a great place, and Stillakid your place up north of Island Lake is real nice too. Catch you guys later. Steve

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    Hey Steve,
    In between school and work I seem to stay pretty busy.
    Are the Dunnville bottoms in between Durand and Arkansaw??
    Do you have to get there pretty early to get a spot??

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    The Dunnville bottoms are located around Dunnville Wisconsin.
    There is the Red Ceder River bottoms and the Chippewa river bottoms. Look on a map between Durand and Downsville and you will see Dunnvile. Lots and lots of spots to hunt. Do you know where the bike trail from Eau Claire is?? It runs through the Dunnville bottoms on its way to Downsville. Hope this helps. Steve

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    I agree with flick in the fact that i also am fortunate enough to hunt buffalo county. They are big because yes land is posted, but what else are you going to do to get them that way?
    Big bucks get big for reasons, and people in this county take pride in their big trophies and that is why we have big bucks because many older people practice some sort of QDM. I believe that a youngster should be able to shoot any deer that makes them happy. Otherwise they might not get into the sport. But after a while your expectations of yourself move up. Like most people here in buffalo county. I missed my deer of a lifetime this year, but more of it all i just had fun seeing the deer so close. It is just so hard to believe that an animal can grow to the specifications that they do. It is more fun seeing them in the wild than sporting them on the wall I think, but you have to have something to show for the animal you got.

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    As you get in on more hunts it seems we raise our standards a tad. The 4-8 pt bucks are not that big a deal sure they are fun to watch and knowing you could bag one is a treat but the real hunt comes into play when you try to bag a big one. Patience and scouting become more of a key. Let the youngsters get the smaller bucks I will take a doe for meat and wait for a big boy before dropping anything with horns. Thats what makes it fun.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    right on same belief here, except i missed big ones both of my first 2 years, it was a sad story on both of them and that is why i have been jinxed ever since.

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