SLOW on Big Yellow last week

  • Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Well, my family and I had our first experience on Big Yellow Lake last week when we stayed at Ike Walton’s Lodge. To say the fishing was slow is putting it mildly. There were three boats of people and we kept a total of 16 panfish the entire week. We caught a few dink gills and perch and one short walleye to go with them. We also managed four tiny bass and my wife’s uncle caught four red horse suckers. I could not believe how slow the fishing was. We tried everything I could think of to trigger fish. It was a nice lake and the lodge was awesome.
    We did have a Muskue blow up at my wife’s jig as she lifted it out of the water right at our dock! That was cool.
    One thing that I do have to mention was when we put the pontoon in the water and I went to back it off the trailer it did not want to run–got it off and to the dock and we discovered our fuel line and pump bulb had gone to crap. A nice young man who lived on tbe lake and was watching us went and got his line so we could get to our dock. I was very thankful. But it was a great trip despite the slow fishing!


    Posts: 3835

    Hang in there. I have had hard days on Yellow but when she gives she gives.

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