Big Yellow Lake

  • Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    The resort we have been going to for 10 years was bought and sold off as private property last year so we have been forced to find a new lake. My in-laws just called and we have cabins on Big Yellow Lake at Ike Walton’s Lodge. Just wondered of anybody has any info on this lake or resort. Thanks.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Whitey… it has been awhile since I seriously fished Yellow Lake (15 years), but this was a great lake. A good variety of species and connected to little yellow and the Yellow River. There is a river inlet and outlet, so that makes good fishing . Good Crappies and panfish on little Yellow and I had saw and hooked up with some awfully big Muskies on Yellow. The Northerns were decent sized. Last opener I fished it again, the lake was packed, It is suppose to be a good walleye lake. It was a cold opener and the fish did not start biting until the temps climbed out of the 20’s and 30’s. Our biggest of the 6 we got on opener there was 21″. Work the steep sand drops rigging with a minnow or pulling cranks. Your also able to fish multiple lines, which is nice for this MN Boy! THe river is also good for crappies and walleyes

    Good Luck! I will probably be back there for opener again. Look me up when the time comes.

    The resort is suppose to be nice I really never have stayed there. I stop there to grab a bite to eat on the snowmobile. Big snowmobiling resort (when there is snow )!

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Thanks for the reply Lip Ripper. We are upset about changing lakes but excited at the same time. I will fish a bit for eyes–but we are hoping the panfish are as good as our old lake—this is a family afair–parents, inlaws, grandparents etc. Looking forward to it already and it’s in August!


    Posts: 3835


    Yellow lake is 15 miles from my cabin up north and I fish it often. It is a challenging lake but has lots of big walleyes, northerns, and muskies. concentrate on the weed edges. Ask the locals which way the wind has been blowing. The shore that has the wave action will produce for you. I have been skunked there many times and also have my personal best musky from there too. The night bite is something you should try.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Thanks for the info. Is there much of a panfish bite–or bullheads–something easy to catch? Much of the family has limited fishing experience and may not have much luck fishing for eyes and such. Thanks again for the help.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I don’t know what you’ve got for boats but if you can get under the bridge at Yellow Lodge, which enters Little Yellow Lake, that’s the beginning of your best panfishing opportunities. I’ve found bullheads too but I wasn’t trying for them.

    If Little Yellow is being uncooperative, take some time and learn the Yellow River outlet. There are some pools back that way and they’re excellent spots for panfishing. Plenty of weeds and cover, flats and even stumpfields.

    Your opportunities on the Yellow system are large and numerous so let me encourage you to simply take some time and explore around, well in advance of your family gathering. The more you know, the better you’ll do.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Thanks–we’ll be in a pontoon so it sounds like we will be limited to Big Yellow. Man I can’t wait for August!


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Hmmm…… you know…….. are you going to be there multiple days? If so, I’m wondering if you be interested in launching your pontoon over at the Yellow Lodge? I think the landing is on the Little Yellow side of the bridge and pontoons get around in that river outlet quite well. In fact, I’ve seen them go all the way to the dam……. which is probably a couple of miles worth of river!

    Anyway……. if it’s possible to do, I’d still encourage you to try it. Big Yellow is great but for pike, bass, or panfish……. the best balance anywhere on the system is back in that river.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Just wondered how the fishing has been–headed there in about a month. I am getting VERY excited!


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