My tail needs a good cleaning

  • Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Trailer pigtail that is. Why can’t I find a toothbrush with stiff brass bristles to scrub the pigtail ends? Or is there a better solution? emery cloth? Coca Cola? duct tape?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    Or is there a better solution?

    Yes ! Just replace the pigtail and use dielectric grease with new one.

    I am not sure if CRC Industries Battery Cleaner would work on it or not,but if you have some just spray on the connector terminals,leave set a bit and wash off with warm water.

    JMHO Jeff

    Posts: 4033



    Or is there a better solution?

    Yes ! Just replace the pigtail and use dielectric grease with new one.

    JMHO Jeff

    And buy a $2 rubber cover for the end.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Check the welding section at Fleet Farm or any store like that. I have several brushes like that.

    Posts: 7

    spray it with jd 80 its a conductor penatrant

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1948

    I bought a can of battery terminal cleaner at NAPA and it really works wonders for corrosion on electrical contacts. If you get any of that green corrosion/oxidation on an electrical plug, you can spray it on and it eats it away, but won’t damage plastic at all. That has been the best for me, better than coca cola or baking soda in my opinion. It’s pretty cheap too.

    Posts: 123

    hard to believe but wd 40 will doit every tim e-0-good luck snagged

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    they sell actual terminal cleaner kits that contain small files to clean all the connections…. napa, mac tools, snap on tools, northern tool, maybe even harbor freight

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Another option – Soak it in vinegar for a several hours and polish with brass wire brush.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Northern carries small wire brushes as well. That’s where I got mine and use them for connections and batt terminals.

    Clinton County Iowa
    Posts: 134

    A 22 cal. brass brush works great. I carry one all the time for just this application.

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