Dark Lake – Chippewa County

  • fishingdaskoal
    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    In the regulations, it lists minimum length on bass as 18”! It is listed as an excellent fishing oppourtunity. Just south of Axhandle Lake and west of Long Lake. Very small, but im wondering if anyone has fished this supposed ‘monster bass’ lake.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    If its the Dark Lake accessed from Lower Long then yes it is a good LG bass lake……It is just a big bowl with the middle of the lake around 60′ plus or minus. I have had a blast scumming the weedy littoral zone around the lake. The smallies on Lower long and Hurd are also very fun to target. Good Luck

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    If you want to say, what did you seem to find works best for the bass? Is there alota surface vegetation? Boat landings or bars on the lake? Much appreciated, Thank You. Joe

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    Used a scum frog on Dark along with tubes and jerk shads. On Lower Long nightcrawlers have been my best bet for eyes and smallies. Topwater with chugbugs, pop’Rs, torpedoes are also effective toward the end of summer. The only good boat landing is off of Hwy 40 next to the Chippewa county campgroung…also nice but always full. Maxs is a bar next to the campgroudn and there is another one up toward Hurd but don’t know if it is still open.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I found this lake. Its not the one by Long Lake. Its right next to Axehandle Lake. All these small lakes have same names i spose. Nothin but a crap boat landing there. Supposvly trout here, its labeled as a trout lake. Small, lotta lillypads, looks like it could be ok, but it would have to boated.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    This is the only sign it had marking Dark Lake, a street sign…..

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