Chippewa tribal spearing in ceded territory of WI

  • targaman
    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    So does anybody think the extended Winter and Ice on the lakes is going to help reduce the number of walleyes the Chippewa take? I think they declared they will take 32,000 walleyes this spring and most bag limits have been reduced to 1 or 2 walleyes per angler. Does anybody think this will have an impact on the economy of the north woods?

    Didn’t the Chippewa tribe come from out east and take the land from the original native tribes? How do we owe them anything? When I take trips of north it’s not all about harvest, but what bothers me is the natives do this just because they can.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    It might affect it some but I am sure they will fill their quota. 2 fish on my favorite body of water

    Posts: 6259

    I fish very little for walleye on northern Wisconsin lakes. Much better opportunity for other species, I do fish the rivers though, Mississippi, Chippewa, Wisconsin. Tough to spear and effect the populations on those body’s or water. So yes it effects me but I changed my habits a long time ago and you wont see my car parked at a casino.

    Posts: 1054

    I have had a cabin in NW WI since 1970. All the economic damage is already done. When the spearing started in 1987 the 2 lakes I can boat to had 7 resorts. The State cut limits and walleye stocking. Withing 4 years we were down to 4 resorts. Now we are down to 1. The number of Resorts is down all over the Ceded territory. People will not travel to catch 1 or 2 walleyes on our lakes the limit is 1 over 14 inch 1 under 14 inch. People are always complaining about lack of walleyes. Well the State does not stock them in the speared lakes at the pre spearing levels either. Now they blame Bass and northerns which is a bunch of bs. These lakes are not prime natural walleye lakes they were always stocked. Be glad that at there are bass and northerns to fish for.


    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    If you remember anything from Sister Mary Yardstix history lessons, you might recall that the Europeans gave the Iroquios guns and they used them to push the Ashkanabe west.
    This time each year I get out my poster of the four geezer chiefs and their flintlocks with the headline that says “We’re turning in our guns–can always trust the Great White Father to protect you!”

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    Why is there stocking in any of the lakes that can be speared? Let the Indians pay every penny it costs to do so. By the way, it will depend on how late the ice stays. Hope for may opener.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    i am seriously questioning that some of the larger bodies of water will be ice free by May 4?

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    I’m not sure what there season dates are, but ice out at the right time makes for a big spearing kill All depends on when the fish spawn.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Kill most of the deer and fish. Northern Wisconsin is turning into a real sportsmans paradise….

    The only thing that will be in abundance up there is ticks.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    we can only hope that they spawn under the ice and are out of the shallows when they want to spear!

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