Dane County Rainbow

  • hambone870
    Illinois Wisconsin Border
    Posts: 43

    I drifted nymphs for a good portion of the day using a pink squirrel as an attractor and a brassie as a dropper off the back. The best fight of the day came from a stocky rainbow taken from a current seam of a large pool. Instantly after being hooked the silver rocket rose high in the water and started a series of violent headshakes just under the surface. Digging hard, my rainbow dove down for the depths of the pool taking back all of the line I had just gained. My three weight throbbed as the fish bulldogged me using the current to its advantage. For the first time ever, I put a stream trout on the reel and palmed it for some extra drag. With the extra pressure, I just nearly avoided being broken off in some downed timber. I really put some tension on the fish and was able to break her plane. She rose to the surface, tired, and I took the opportunity to take the line back as quick as possible. The fish was guided on to the bank where she promptly spit the barbless hook and made a half hearted attempt to flop back into the water. I dove for the fish like a linebacker after a fumbled pig-skin and brought the fish to hand!

    I took a half dozen more browns on some elk hair caddis and had a blast catching suckers one after another from a single pool. Great fun on my three weight, and all fish were turned back!

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