Hey Sean i’ll be coming up saturday and staying for a week. Just wondering what the best plan of attack may be for getting some walleyes. We’ll be staying at 4 Seasons. I was thinking of trying a few new things up there i’ve never tried before. Tell me if you’ve ever had any luck doing any of these. Pulling bottom bouncers and spinners on the edge of the midlake structure or even say on the edge of Ravens point at first light. I figure if im out there at first light there might be some eyes prowling some of the shallow points. How hout pulling 3-ways and cranks on the same structure. Been doing pretty good on Lake Pepin doing this. Or how about slip corking some pinpoint areas such as weedlines or the top edges of midlake structure. These are all things i’ve had great luck with this year on different bodies of water and i never hear of anyone doing these kinds of things on Winnie. Im also wondering why Winnie doesnt seem to have a nightbite? Is it a water clarity issue? Maybe there is a limited night bite if a guy can get the right spot? Hopefully a week from right now i’ll be the eyes somewhere somehow on the lake!
July 22, 2003 at 12:36 am