Cutfoot Crappies and Gills

  • Anonymous

    Game on for those ever so nice gills and crappies in Cutfoot. This weekend brought the anglers out and even with the high winds and unstable weather, the fishing was pretty good. The crappies and gills are holding in 24-26 feet of water and at times very active. The better bite seems to be before noon. Don’t forget to bring those wax worms, and doodle bug jigs for Cutfoot.


    Hey Sean,

    I might be looking for a place to head out this weekend. How far is it up to Winni from the cities. What is the best route? I’ve never fish the lake so any recomendations are appreciated.



    Pending on where your at, its 3 1/2 to 4 hours to Winnie. I would say the best route is up 169 through Grand Rapids and Take Hwy 2 upto Deer River and then Hwy 46 upto Cutfoot. My best recommendation is fishing out in Cutfoot. There will be a group of people fishing the crappies out from Williams Narrows resort. This is about the best time of the year for these crappies, if you have more questions, give me a call at home 218-326-8350 after 8:00 PM


    Thanks for the info!! I just found out the ice show is this weekend in St. Paul, so I’ll likely stay around here. Thanks again though!!


    With all this sub zero weather so far this week….ice conditions continue to improve and now we are looking at 6-8 inches of ice on Cutfoot, with more in places. By this weekend….with the looks of the forcast we should be looking at close to a foot of ice on Winnie and Cutfoot. The crappies are still active during the daylight hours……

    If your after those Jumbo perch…this weekend should be a good weekend for chasing them on the big lake. I would guess this weekend will be ATV and snowmobils yet, remember Winnie has alot of moving water in it, so be extremely careful when heading out there…..

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