First Time On Winnie Need Help!

  • Anonymous

    Heading to Winnie next weekend. This will be my first time on the lake. We will be staying in Bena. Any suggestions on where to fish for Walleyes? I have a deep V 16 foot boat with a 75 Merc on back will I be able to get out on the lake with it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    You should’nt have to much trouble getting out with that kind of power. Moses and horseshoe bars have always produced bigger fish for me.Sugar and ravens should be good by now as it was slow Memorial Day weekend.Was to cold of water.Pull lindys on the top edges of the Bars.Good Luck!


    Thanks for the tips. Looking forward to fishing Winnie. I fished Mille Lacs for my first time two weeks ago WOW was that fun. Got some great info from the board, McQuoids, and the bait shop guy. Bought a good map and downloaded some gps and away we went. We hammerd the Eyes, no slots but what the heck can’t complain about 22-25 inch fish all day. Hope to have success in Winnie as well. Again thanks for the tips.


    Winnie is stil going strong, The Northshore along with the east shoreline seems to be holding a number of nice fish. 6-10 feet of water is your best bet for starters. Northland fireball jigs, normally chartruese/ or two tone chart. work great. The fish are biting great yet, but they should be heading for deeper water before long. Good luck and let me know how things went….Sean

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