Anyone heading to Winnie for opener?

  • Anonymous

    Just wondering if any of you are heading to Winnie for Opener, if so where are you planning on fishing?

    What is your favorite technique?

    Favorite Spot?

    Well tis the season here soon, with the walleyes about done spawning for the most part, even though we have had the cool, or shall I say cold weather, the fishing should be good.

    Hey good luck and we will see ya on the water….

    Posts: 9

    I will be in the area and will spend some time on Winni during the first few days of the season. As for techniques, I like to pull cranks in 6 to 9 feet of water somewhere between the Dishes and the Rock pile to the West just inside of the large fleets of boats jigging with shiners. If that doesn’t work for me I have had good luck rigging with shiners in the same areas.

    I know in the past the DNR has closed parts of Little Cutfoot in the spring. Do you know if they plan on allowing people to fish back there this year?

    Good Luck!!!


    As of right now, Little Cutfoot should be open. Normally they announce that it will be closed. It seems that the DNR had a good number of fish through the stripping nets about a week ago the were ready to spawn, I would be pretty confident that the entire water system will be open this year.

    Good Luck.


    I’ll be on Winni Sat. thru Wed., my dad and I will be staying at High Banks. What station do you plan on using? We spend a lot of time fishing any where from the rocks, the gap, or tamarack. With the spring being so cold I’ll probably spend more time than usual in cutfoot. Any thoughts on what the cold will do to the migration? Shiners are the ticket most of the time, but at times it seems as though crawlers/leechs work better.

    See ya on the water! Chris


    The Big lake should be great. I would think with the walleyes being done spawning, the entire North Shore along with the gap down to Plughat, and maybe even tamarac, to be producing some nice numbers. The spot for me will be in the gap and maybe down towards plughat. You should still be able to catch some nice fish in Cutfoot.

    The fish size should be great this year after seeing the size of the males at the stripping nets, all of us fishing Winnie are in for a heck of a year. Not sure what channel I will be running for the first week, hey good luck and maybe we will see ya out there…..Sean

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