bowstring report

  • eyedog
    Posts: 54

    heading up to bowstring next monday any reports? I heard it was slow!!!

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 699

    You might want to run over to Winne for some action or be prepared to. Bowstring has been slow but may pick up with this warm weather. Good luck. Let us know how you do.

    Posts: 54

    Thanks Hawg, I just might do that, I know I had Success on memorial weekend before, but heard bad reports. I am just not sure as to why it is so slow now ?????

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    I’ve heard the same thing and will be up there Mem weekend. Some guys I know fished there for a full day and only ended up with 3 fish.
    Hopefully they’ll turn on, but if not, there are plenty of good lakes up there to chose from.

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