culling fish to another boat

  • piperguy1979
    Posts: 23

    Our family has had a cabin on the lake for over sixty years. And my buddy’s have been coming up for opener over a decade. Our group of four have fished in every type of boat. But finally this year we have to decent boats with big motors. The thing is they are horrible fishermen, they usually more focused on partying then catching walleyes. Needless to say, since I catch over half our keep usually. I was wondering if my boat catches a limit can I give them walleyes for their livewell on the water. Thanks guys.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Those Walleyes count as your limit. You won’t legally be allowed to keep any Walleye that day.

    Posts: 1957


    Those Walleyes count as your limit. You won’t legally be allowed to keep any Walleye that day.

    Yep! If I watched guys pulling this stunt I’d call TIP. Granted, this would be pretty hard to prove in court especially if all involved are liscensed. But, it’s BS non the less. NO DOUBLE DIPPING!!


    Posts: 1399

    You would be breaking the law. As soon as you place those fish anywhere other than back in the water they are in your possession and reduced to your daily limit. Even though you are “giving” them to somebody else so they also have a limit, they are not yours legally to give because you already reached your limit. Don’t do it! Your friends just need to decide if partying is more fun than eating fresh walleyes.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    You can, however, catch a limit for each person that is in your boat. When party fishing it does not matter who caught the fish as long as the boat is not over limit.

    Posts: 23

    Another loop, not that I care about hording fish. Now if I was to send a guy to the other boat (on the water)with his six walleyes and grabbed a guy from that other with no walleyes. The yey ole double switch.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    The yey ole double switch

    Why would you try to bend the rules, or search for loop holes just to keep a few extra fish at risk that you might be facing STIFF fines and/ or loosing your equipment???

    Lake Winnibigoshish
    Posts: 63

    I have to agree with Slipsinker on this one. Did your buddies come to fish or party? If they came to party, then why would they need a limit of fish? What you are suggesting Piperguy is not only illegal, it’s un-ethical.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    HEre’s to hoping fishing on Winnie will be so good over opener that even the party boat will catch fish!

    Posts: 23

    Need not worry here, Its not about me I am not worried about catching and keeping fish. Its the wives of the drunks, if they don’t bring fish home they get awefully suspicious. And as far as being unethical, this is the guy that has never kept a walleye over 18 inches. I am after trophys and eaters. All this was a question one of my friends had. Just cause usually I am one catching their fish while they sleep. Its like the dad you see tip up fishing in the winter with all the neighbor kids. Good luck to all who are fishing winnie on opener. Look for the rowdy’s at the Big Fish Supper club.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Welcome to IDA Piperguy and good luck on opener @ Winnie. This is a great site, you may have just asked a “touchy ” question there that got the guys riled up. It usually is a pretty frinedly atmosphere here. Feel free to give a report on how opner go, along with pics if you get them. Thanks and feel free to share or ask for any info.

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