first timer on winnie

  • maccbell
    Posts: 6

    We are heading up to Grand Rapids camping next week. I thought it would be fun to take the wife and our two boys (8&5) to winnie for an afternoon. I have never been on it before so was hoping for some advice on where to start. We will probably go out of Bowen resort that way we could also fish cut foot. Any info would be appreciated.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    You’ll probably be getting up there during the transition time. If the wind is blowing and its overcast, hit the shorelines. Otherwise the main lake structure is probably already holding fish and will the rest of the summer. From the Gap there are a few large humps as well as some smaller ones just a mile or two out. A jig and shiner or a lindy rig and leech would be a good start. A smaller jig and fathead can be a blast for perch too. They should be along those same weedlines. Have a good time. I was up a week ago and were still fishing in 8-9 feet of water.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Fife pretty much said it. There will be fish on the humps and also in shallow still. If going shallow I would say they are gonna be where there are more weeds. Another spot to try would be the break edges in 15-19′.

    prescot wi
    Posts: 159

    there are no fish in winnie for u

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I’m leaving Thursday evening and will report back next Tuesday or so.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 236

    Fished Winnie for a few hours last night. Caught a few Walleyes (all slot fish) and 2 Northerns all on Shiners. The Walleyes came out a little deeper on the break from 17 to 25 in the Highbanks area. Good Luck.

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