
  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    The big pond has started to freeze over with the recent temps we’ve had. I have overheard a few aquaintences talking about getting out on the ice after lakers. I myself plan to head over to Ashland / Bayfeild area one of these weekends soon as there is enough ice to drive a sled or wheeler on from reports I have read/heard.

    Posts: 22

    what species do you target on the big pond-trout? am originally from Proctor, have fished a few streams along the S.shore for nearly 25yrs. I,ve always wanted to try that area.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    That would be worth the road trip just to see it!

    Do you have any pictures of the big lake in the state that it is in, that you can post? How far out is the ice?

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160

    I was out of Washburn last weekend, we went out only as far as Long Island with ATV’s. The least ice we saw was 8″, with well over 10″ in most spots. We heard some reports of people going out of Red Cliff getting out as far as 300 FOW on sleds on 2/3. But that was from some fisherman at the local watering hole, so I wouldnt be completely sure thats accurate.

    If you get out let us all know. I’m planning on heading back up to try my luck with the Lakers soon!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    There were 4 portables out from East 21st St friday. They were about 400 yds out. Marine General told me that the guys out there had stopped in to buy some jigs and reported 4 inches of ice. They are targeting lakers and salmon. Fishing deep with jigs while suspending a shiner for salmon on a dead stick or tip up. I will get some pics next week and try to get them posted by Monday evening.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Where is East 21st Street??? Hoping to get up to Chequamegon Bay soon. In fact would like to get out the Apostle Islands for some laker action.


    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    East 21st St in the City of Duluth.

    Its 21 streets east of Lake Ave, vice west 21st St wich is 21 streets west of Lake Ave.

    The eyes are biting well in the evening in the bay, haven’t heard any new news on the trout salmon bite out in the big water.

    Posts: 1007

    Ice is very sketchy, trust NO one. Check it for yourself, or you could pay dearly, the ultimate price. I was out 14 miles over the weekend. Got off the ice at 4 p.m. this evening. The ice beyond Basswood Island is new ice, only been there a few days. I went out about 7 miles on the new freeze, there is 4″-7″, on this freeze. And it varies depending on the current flow around the islands, and on the snow depth. Areas of glare have more ice than snowy areas. Again check for yourself, because the ice changes daily. Now for the bright side, the fishing was great, the biggest for my group this weekend. 22#@37″ WTA

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13444

    Wow. That is a huge fish.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Awesome fish! What type of presentation are you guys using on the lakers?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13444

    Yea, What he said. I take it that is a lake trout. I have never fished for on but have to imagine that fish is one heck of a fight threw the ice. Would be interested to hear how you guys target them and what types of tackle you need to get one threw the ice.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That’s just wrong! It should be ME in that picture!


    Posts: 1007

    First off that pic looks bad. That was the total amount of fish kept, out of over a dozen people. Which was out of over 115 trout caught, among other species. The trout were targeted at depths of near or over 300′. Presentation includes using custom made graphite and glass rods, generally 32″ long (heavy). These are used with Abu-Garcia 5500 reels spooled with 65# Power Pro. Generally we use 2-3oz. baits that are custom made for that type of fishing. The actual presentation varies on the day and the bite, just like all other fishing. A lift and drop, of about 8″ is usually the best. This brings the bait up, then it drops, and basically has the same motion as an airplane jig. The hits usually come on the swing of the bait, after the drop. It is a blast.

    Fish of the caliber shown are common, but this is in part because of catch and release. Yes, some fish are kept to eat, but only a very small percentage of what caught, leaves the water for good. A 10 pound lake trout out of this water is usually around 20 years old. Catch and release is a must. WTA

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Thats some awesome laker fishing!

    I have never gone after them through the ice on superior, but I have gt into some nice ones open water.. Im psyched when I get into a couple big fish.. whats laying on the ice there is a dream trip to me!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    For those of you looking to still get after them without getting all the new custom gear. A decent walleye rod (ice fishing) with 10-12 lb testline on either baitcast or spinning reel will work fine around Ashland and Bayfeild waters. Fish can and are caught in 40-100 ft of water right now. Jiggin Raps, White tube jigs, airplane jigs and jigging spoons will all work.

    Start at the bottom, jigging 8-12 inches, then reel up a foot, jig a bt more and continue till you reach the ice, then drop to bottom and repeat. Lakers are known to follw the bait up and may not strike till within 10ft of the ice.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    That fish is a monster…

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    Awesome fish. I was up in Duluth last weekend and saw the houses out from 21st. My buddy and I could see them out his kitchen window and we were real tempted to try it. I guess the big lake is still a little to intimidating for me. My buddy has been fishing in the harbor out from Point Park with a bunch of other houses, but he hasn’t caught anything so far. I might have to head up there one of these days and give him a hand.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Its walleyes they are after out in the bay. They are supposed to be biting well, but I haven’t had a chance to get out there yet.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    24 portables out on the big pond about 200 yds out from the Lester River.

    Posts: 721

    Looks like some fun!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Our own Jim Hudson had Gillespie out last week on the big pond in the Apostle Islands!!! Fished shallow, caught splake and Browns. Gillespie stayed on his feet and didn’t dislocate his shoulder this year. I bet he walked very gingerly the whole time. Atta boy Jim!!!


    Bayfield, WI
    Posts: 113


    Yeah it was another good show with John.. He is a hoot to fish with for sure… Definately a challenge to not only catch fish in the elements we faced, but to put it onto film is even harder…

    Lake Trout fishing is still going on here in the Islands… Am unsure what the wind has done to some of the ice as of yet, but will know more tomorrow as I have a trip.. The recent snowfall and warmer temps will definately create slush pockets, so snowmobile travel will be best. It has definately been a banner year for “bobbing” in the islands for lakers.. Great ice, even out to Outer Island, and some big fish coming through the holes…

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    We still got ice in Duluth if one wanted to get out on the big pond. At least up as far as the Lester river. Above that, I have heard the ice is broekn from the shore and its about a 6″ gap to get on it. Not sure how much longer it will be safe to fish, and then shore fishing at the mouth of the rivers should pick up with the runoff.

    Posts: 1

    I am coming down from Eveleth tomorrow to try and fish the big lake. Any pointers on trying to put some fish on the ice would be more then apprieciated. I got somewhat of an idea, but its been quite sometime since I fished the lake being froze over. I will post tommorow night letting you know how we done. Thanks IronRanger

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