There are so many things going on up on the shore all year that rates are based on quiet times vs demand. Demand is on weekends or when events run thru the week. Rates might drop in the dead of winter or if the lack of snow makes for the lack of business. The colors will bring huge numbers to the shore.
Two Harbors has Superior Shores and it is a great place to call base. If you want to fish but don’t want to drag a boat, Two Harbors offers shore-type fishing off the breakwater and as many fish are caught there as in boats during the fall season. Lake Trout closes the last day of September but salmon, both Kings and Cohos, will be found in numbers as will steelhead and loopers. Check out Larsmont Cottages too. Larsmont is located on the Scenic Drive between Duluth and Two Harbors on the Two Harbors end….nice digs here. I’ve stayed at Larsmont during the winter when we couldn’t get into our cabin.
Scenery is always just a short drive out of town on any of the well-maintained county roads. Grand Marias, Silver Bay, Beaver Bay are all just up Highway 61 inside of 60 miles. Splitrock LightHouse and State Park is a short drive as is Gooseberry Falls State park. Ely is an hour and a half drive away and worth a day trip if you have a few days planned and the trip there is thru some of the most beautiful country up there.
On another note, I’m sorry to hear of your needs to stay nearby. My prayers are with you and all concerned. Hopefully your plans will go un-fettered.