In case anyone needs more convincing….

  • poppy402
    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    If recent posts from fellow anglers such as Mark, James and myself haven’t convinced you yet to get up to the North shore of Lake Superior, let me add another one to the ongoing list. I will post a full report this weekend, but just wanted to get this up as im heading north for a few days of camping.

    Yesterday, myself along with two buddies went up to the silver bay/Tach harbor area and pulled lots of kings, coho’s and lakers all on Rapala j9’s (orange) and one particular orange spoon.

    5 colors of segmented 832 advanced leadcore on a planer board got 100% of our fish. Yes you read that right, 100% LOL. Traditional great lakes methods such as downriggers, and dipsys got none. It was bizarre. We lost 3 off a downrigger, but none came in the boat.

    I don’t need to say it again, but the North Shore area is hot right now. These waters that we are fishing are only 3.5 hours away from Minneapolis as well! Weather looks good for the upcoming days, and the fish are there.

    Here are two of the many nice sized lake superior king salmon that made their way to the boat yesterday!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Nice work Grant, way to stay after ’em!


    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    How big do the kings get in Superior?

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911

    In one day Grant, Will and I pulled 10#, 8# and 6# kings. I would say the norm for kings on the North Shore is #4-5#. Not Mighigan size, but Superior is not a 5-6 hour drive for me either.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    That was a fun day mark!!
    Yeah avg king is what mark said, but I have caught some in the 12 to 15 pound range as well.
    And yes its a lot closer of a drive. Plus you walleye guys can use your trolling gear for these fish.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Hey Grant, try and keep these fish close to Two Harbors and Silver Bay until the end of the month when I get there. I’ll be on the lake 8/20-8/24.

    Thanks for posting.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    They will be there, trust me!! Make sure you have some lead rigged up!! I’ll do my best to keep ya updated with current conditions.

    Posts: 95

    Grant, how many lines can we run on Superior? Is there a good place to tent close to a launch with good fishing within 5 miles of launch? Usually go to LM but time is short now so 6 hours less windshield time could mean an extra trip or 2! besides it has to be prettier scenery the LM. right?

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Great job grant! Thanks for the detailed post as always! Cant wait to get back up to your stomping grounds.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911


    Grant, how many lines can we run on Superior? Is there a good place to tent close to a launch with good fishing within 5 miles of launch? Usually go to LM but time is short now so 6 hours less windshield time could mean an extra trip or 2! besides it has to be prettier scenery the LM. right?


    2 lines on MN waters.

    Tetteguche state park just NE of silver bay a few miles. Good camping but can get fill up fast.

    It is very hard to beat the scenery of the North shore.

    Posts: 52

    how long are your leaders off the lead? are you tying right to the lead or swivels? gonna give it a whirl tomorrow and have downrigger gear but never hurts to have options. thanks.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    how long are your leaders off the lead? are you tying right to the lead or swivels? gonna give it a whirl tomorrow and have downrigger gear but never hurts to have options. thanks.

    I can answer that since we’ve been using my rods when Grant and I have fished together.

    We’ve been running 30′ leaders. I knot in 24′ of 20# flouro to the end of my leadcore.

    At the end of the 24′ section of flouro I tie in a HIGH QUALITY swivel.

    To connect the swivel to the lure I use an additional 6′ section of 20# flouro. I’ve grown rather fond of this set up as it has proven to be very durable (no lost fish due to line failure in 2 years now) and when I need to replace the flouro due to wear all I’m replacing is the final 6′ versus the entire 30′ leader.

    Anyway, works for me / us and haven’t found a reason to make any changes.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948


    Grant, how many lines can we run on Superior? Is there a good place to tent close to a launch with good fishing within 5 miles of launch? Usually go to LM but time is short now so 6 hours less windshield time could mean an extra trip or 2! besides it has to be prettier scenery the LM. right?

    Sorry abou the dealy, was without cell service for awhile.
    Yeah 2 lines in MN waters of lake superior.
    The Silver bay boat landing has a campground as well.

    Yes, the 3 hour drive vs 6 from the cities area is a huge advantage! And heck, the rock cliffs and scenery is tough to beat anywhere
    Plus Lake Superior kicks Lake Michigans A## in the Lake trout division. Be prepared for some big fish!

    Posts: 3407

    Have you heard any reports about the walleyes along the south shore? I am heading to give that a try in a couple of weeks. I didn’t make it there due to the muddy water last year.

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