To the Red/Silver Ranger out of Silver bay……

  • timmy
    Posts: 1960

    If I truly cut you off, I apologise, but nobody in our boat could comprehend what you were ranting about. I don’t think I did, though.

    From our brief meeting, my only conclusion is that you are one of those shiny-go-fast my-boat-is-compensating-for-something douche bags. Take your shiny rig back wherever you came from and go hang out with your yuppie buddies that actually tolerate you. You are a total tool, and it is not my fault you are a bad troller.

    As far as fishing went, we boxed several keeper salmon and a few lakers in a half day. 75-90 down with spoons behind riggers was better than other presentaions for us.

    Posts: 666

    Oh how I hope he reads this!!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I don’t get it. I’ve ran into some total idiots and have only once have I ever said anything. That was because he was within spitting distance of my boat when I was anchored.

    Unfortunately this is far too common. As long as it doesn’t ruin your day, who cares. If it ruins his day, who cares.

    Posts: 236

    With all of my close encounters I say two things here.

    If you want to be an a-hole just ask…”Are they biting any better in your boat?”

    If you want to be nice tell them…”If you want to save gas just hop in my boat and fish.”

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Nice reply! I must remember that, Thanks

    Posts: 32

    I live in Northern WI and when someone pulls up too close I smile and ask “So, what part of Illinois are you from?” (I think everybody knows what a FIB is)

    Posts: 963

    Was it the guy with the blue off shore 250 or or the short guy with the grey and black hpdi? My geuss is it was they guy with the blue 250.

    Posts: 1960


    Was it the guy with the blue off shore 250 or or the short guy with the grey and black hpdi? My geuss is it was they guy with the blue 250.

    It was a blue motor – I never got close enough to see! Were you out there, Ben?

    Cold Spring,MN
    Posts: 134

    What body of water where you fishing, Lake Michigan?

    Posts: 963

    No he cut me off pullin out of the acess so i went around him, 2 minutes later he flew by me, only to stop at the first gas station down the road.

    Posts: 963

    And he was from Hayward, ws btw.

    Posts: 2

    To the White Lund Out of Silver bay. Yes you should appologize you did cut us off and took the majority of my lead core with you when you did. that was the first encounter we had with you. the second was the one where we I guess were ranting and that was just to keep you at a distance were we could land the nice fish we had on. Really??? I guess we are bad trollers but if you reverse what happened to us I think you would have to agree you would be upset. As for the issue’s you have with the boat. I do not own that but my brother does and he was the one running it. he has worked his whole life to buy a boat like that and I am sorry if that pisses you off. who is the tool here!!! as for the guy who says we cut him off at the landing have no idea what you are talking about. We had 4 great days on the water and shared a ton of fish with people at the camp ground we stayed at. So if you want to judge our character ask some of the people at the camp ground what we are like!!

    Posts: 1960

    Nerdo – I sent you a PM to discuss this. I want to clear it up and make it right if I screwed you up. I don’t intend to slight anybody – and want no enemies.

    (and I can admit it…I can be quite a tool myself at times…. )

    Posts: 1960

    Nerdo and I had a talk in the pm’s and I feel I owe him this(and I owe him a as well):

    Evidently I am the bad troller – lol…. Sorry that we cut you off. It was not intentional and I APOLOGISE.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Nerdo and I had a talk in the pm’s and I feel I owe him this(and I owe him a as well):

    Evidently I am the bad troller – lol…. Sorry that we cut you off. It was not intentional and I APOLOGISE.


    Takes a big man to follow up on this and throw out the public apology.

    Posts: 2

    Thanks much!! Appreciate it!!! Good luck on the Water!!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Nerdo – I sent you a PM to discuss this. I want to clear it up and make it right if I screwed you up. I don’t intend to slight anybody – and want no enemies.

    (and I can admit it…I can be quite a tool myself at times…. )

    as I read this the other night I went, Hmmmm. I kind of thought based on his first post that his pm’s might be headed in this direction, and I am very impressed with this kind of integrity!!! Congrats to both for voicing their differences and airing them out privately… then publicly!!!


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