Dipsy divers and fish oil ?

  • AllenW
    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Was suggested I post this question in this section, so…

    Fishing Superior or maybe Mich for trout and Salmon.
    I have 2 SG47LCA linecounter reels I’m setting up for dipsy divers, how much braided line should I put on these reels?

    Also I’ve read that some people soak their lures (maybe jigs) in tuna oil before using.
    Kinda makes sense, but before I go buying cans of tuna, I’d like to hear what ya all thought??


    Posts: 83

    Hey Al, one thing with linecounters to always remember is they are the most accurate when filled to thier capacity. This doesn’t mean so full that the line is hitting the levelwind but you do want to fill it so you can only see about 1/16″ or so of the spool. When spooling up with braid you don’t want to fill the whole spool of course, we would go broke, what I do is determine what would be the absolute most line I would ever have out. Keep in mind distance to lure or dipsy, and don’t forget to add some more of your running planer boards and then I also add some for re-tying when things get frayed. This is usually about 300-400 feet or 100-150yds. I then buy cheep monofiliment line of any brand, the idea is that you will never get down to that line, I usually use 10-12#. You can use bigger diameter to fill the spool easier but remember you need to tie a splice not that you dont want to get bulky. The next part is usually trial and error but fill the spool with the cheap line then add you 400′ of braid. The key though is to get the spool filled just right. Put plenty of backing on so you can unspool your braid if you get to full and take off some backing. I would recommed keeping notes on how much backing (zero the line counter) you used for when you need to do another reel.

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    I know you already have plenty of lures, but there is a switch to Brad’s Super Baits and tuna. Plenty of videos on use and adaptations. I used to use WD40 and spray every lure. Easier than fish oil.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    The only time I use Tuna fish on Lake Michigan is when I’m loading up a Brads Cut Plug before deploying it.

    As for spoons, flys and what not, I don’t use any scent on those at all and we generally don’t have a problem catching fish.

    As for how much braid your going to need, I would never deploy a dipsy rod with less than 600′ of braid. Most of mine have over 700′ of braid before you hit the backing.

    I also run 47’s for reels.

    The longest run any fish has ever made on one of our rigs was 600 feet. That happened last year.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    As for how much braid your going to need, I would never deploy a dipsy rod with less than 600′ of braid. Most of mine have over 700′ of braid before you hit the backing.
    I also run 47’s for reels.

    The longest run any fish has ever made on one of our rigs was 600 feet. That happened last year.

    I agree with Joel very much on the amount of braid. I don’t do much trolling anymore, but have had more than enough experiences with chinooks making 175+ yard runs. Trout tend to roll and jump more and typically don’t make the screaming runs. But if your in Chinook waters, I would invest in a little more braid.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I know you already have plenty of lures, but there is a switch to Brad’s Super Baits and tuna. Plenty of videos on use and adaptations. I used to use WD40 and spray every lure. Easier than fish oil.

    I have a lot of lures ya, but Grant tells me there the wrong kind…

    Looks like to much is better than to little but not to go crazy, 700 foot leaves about 200′ on a 300 yards spool, not sure what I can do with that, maybe just load the 300 yards on the reel and be done with it?

    With my memory problems, keeping notes is mandatory, thanks.

    Brads..ok, there on the list, I think I’ve heard about them before too.

    Thanks all.


    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Looks like to much is better than to little but not to go crazy, 700 foot leaves about 200′ on a 300 yards spool, not sure what I can do with that, maybe just load the 300 yards on the reel and be done with it?

    Buy the 1000 yard spool, might get four reels off of them…


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