Depends on the Winter and wind we have. I have seen LATE Feb but some time in March is the norm I believe. Also depends on the landing you are trying to access with some varriance.
Spend a couple of hours out on the lake with even a hint of breeze in March and you’ll have a new meaning to the term bone-chilling. There is no combination of open ice and wind that can equal the cold dealt out on Superior with open water and breeze in March even. I stood out on the breakwater in Two harbors once in March trying for a looper and it didn’t last long even with the heavy ice fishing duds on.
Mcquade is usually open year round, it may freeze up for 2 weeks or so, but when a big north easter comes, the waves wil break up any ice in there. Its april for loonsfoot/highbridge.
Mcquade is usually open year round, it may freeze up for 2 weeks or so, but when a big north easter comes, the waves wil break up any ice in there. Its april for loonsfoot/highbridge.
If you have to break ice to fish, count me out..:)
April sounds good, I think temps range from 40 to 60 up there about then, and with a bit of sun, that would feel warm in spring…I’m hoping.