Lake Madison Help!

  • Chunk
    New Hampton, Iowa
    Posts: 206

    Have the opportunity to fish Madison Lakeduring the walleye opener and am seeking any help on where to go, what to use. Any information would be appreciated! Thanks, Chunk

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Chuck, I will be in that area saturday fishing. I will ask my buddy, he fishes it. I will let you know when I get back. Plus I could run out to the boat and look it up on my ’07 Navionics for ya

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Fish the narrows. There is a deep hole off of one side which is the side to fish. Pink jigs and minnows works. Theres also a small rock hump there that can produce fish too. Trolling shadraps and also bottom bouncers produces fish on the oppsite being trolled along the reefs at the narrows. Good luck and let us know how you do.
    Thanks, Bill

    New Hampton, Iowa
    Posts: 206

    Thanks for the information. If you think of anything else, please post. Any information is a great help when I am entering these virgin waters. I have never fished the opener, so I hope it is not a mad house!

    New Hampton, Iowa
    Posts: 206

    balwin4, Do you fish Sweets Marsh at all? I also love to go goose hunting, especially in the field!!

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Chunk, did not make it up the MN today. Buddy called last night and had to work today. Sorry for no report. But you can check out my Clear Lake Report.

    New Hampton, Iowa
    Posts: 206

    baldwin4, thanks for the effort, it is appreciated. Have you done much fishing on sweets marsh by tripoli? If you talk to your buddy, any information would be appreciated! Thanks, Chunk

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