Can’t answer your question Jack but between Mazaska and/or Shields there usually alot of good crappie fishing to be had. I would say the ice there is probably not safe yet with all the warm days we had this winter but the ice should be alot thicker by next weekend I would think. Tgif had mentioned that Elysion [sp] had boats on it a week ago and that Cannon Lake had a huge open water area where the boat landing is at the same time so it makes me wonder how bad the ice was on the other lakes around there. But it sounds like we could have even up to a month of really cold weather now which should give us ”ice fishing season #2” this winter. So keep the ice fishing goodies out and hold off on getting the boat out for awhile as its going to be ”fish on ice style” for awhile yet. By the way, what did you get for a new boat? Thanks, Bill
They are fishing the west side of Mazaska right now, there is about six inches. The east side is shakey at best, not sure what they are catchin’ though.
Bill, I didn’t get a recent new boat. but my current boat I picked up in July ’05. its a Lund Explorer 1700, single console, with Yam F115, and added a T8. It is working out better than I expected it to.. Jack.. my club is headed to Mazaska this weekend.. will check conditions. but looks like walk out for now…