Ice thicknesses of frances and jefferson lakes?

  • jjheimer
    Posts: 2

    Ice thicknesses of frances and jefferson lakes?


    Welcome to the site JJ. I can’t help you with how thick the ice is, but I’m sure somebody will before Fri.. If not call up the bait stores in the area, they should be able to help you. Please play it safe. See you at work tonite…..


    Gotta be 8 ” or so…. Best to check by “drilling a hole as you go”….in front of you as you go out. I still would not be driving out in a vehicle.

    Posts: 2

    Thanks Harv, good to know there are great guys like you out there willing to help us novice ice fisherman. Should i just check ice thickness by tying the throttle open on my Yamaha, and just sending it across the lake. Have you ever done this? See you at the next break.

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