Walleyes at Lake kohlmier a couple years a go

  • Anonymous

    Believe it or not i saw a guy catch a walleye of the t dock, so i went out and bought crappie minnows and put on a jig. I dropped it straight down and jiged it up and down. I caught about 5 usually atleast 15 iches and on up. I took some PICTURES and broght a couple home. I opened them up and there was paracites. So i threw them away. Allot of people dont beleive it for some reason. The say there are little fish in the lake. I caught a 5 pound bass and a 6 pound northen, and saw pics of 10 and up northern. (showed them) The dnr stocks them every other year. If you dont really believe me for some reason i will scan the pic and put it on line


    I have caught them… and seen them while swimming with a snorkle…. right where the weeds start by the swim beach. I have had no big ones but have been told of three pounders being taken there.

    I believe



    Usually every spring or early summer there is a kid’s fishing contest on Kohlmier. Low and behold kids have hooked into walleyes from shore. The substrate of the lake is adequate and some good weed habitat. I can guarantee there was a 3 lb walleye in there….one fell out of my hand off the dock. I wouldn’t go out there looking to really have enough walleye action to keep you out there, but if panfish (small) and pike on tip-ups satifies your urge to fish….they’ll be waiting and willing to bite.

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