Fishing on Tetonka Saturday morning was great! Big fish and lots of them!!! Somthing real different though, than I am used to…. I must have caught 20 big dog-fish! It was the strangest thing… they hit a black buzz-bait on top water. I was fishing the river inlet up-tight to the weeds and these bad boys were all in an area about the size of my van…. holding where the water flowed under the weeds. I took seven dog-fish in seven casts, missed one and then took three more before missing another. Some of these fish were seven plus lbs and none under three. And, they destroyed my buzz-bait.
Strange beasts are these fish… you can not lip land them. Cause, they have several rows of very sharp little teeth. You can not gill them. Just as you are about to slip your finger into the gill, they go nuts! No way they’ll just stand for this. You can not grab them by the heads, as they freak out even worse… Strong fish! And forget grabbing them by the body! They are much more slimy than a Northern Pike. You can not hold them. Even getting one to open up it’s mouth to remove a hook is a real hassle….You get tired even after one… not to mention twenty of them in an hour run! Lots of work!… But real fun. I know many of the guys watching me from near by boats, were blown by the numbers of these fish in one spot… I was.
Oh, I took some bass too. And several bass were right in with them, and one nice 4+lb smallie near by. But it was the “doggies” that made my day. Real dog-gone fun .

September 10, 2002 at 12:56 am