Nice to get big crappies… but at noon.. even nicer.
Big Tetonka Crappies… nice big ones… the size that you want to show off back at the ramp! Been a while back for me to get some this size from Tetonka. They are on the weedlines next to the “Channels” and in the shade under the bridge at Hwy 13. What was working best was small jigs(1/32 to 1/16) dresseed with a crappie minnow. You can work them under a bobber or just “swim” them close to the bottom, or near the weeds. For the weeds, I ancohr on the edge… so I can cast the edge in both directions and just “tickle the tops” where the weeds play out. Ancohring here, you’ll spook out some fish… but in 30 min they’ll be back, right under your boat! Under the bridge, you’ll need to ancohr also… to do this, drop your ancohr at the shore line next to the bridge-wall where the water goes in… and let the boat be carried under the bridge. Set your rope so you are 1/2 in the sun and 1/2 in the shade. Now, you’ll have the boat right next to the wall and out of boat traffic. After 20 minutes, the crappies will get over your presence and not be spooked. Heck, they do not care if you are there or not… a zillion boats are going over their heads every day under that bridge! Right where the shade starts from the bridge (on the water going in side of the bridge)you can see the stripers suspending! You’ll take several before they spook… then they are done for an hour or so…. but a great size & fight also… To fish them correctly… stay back about 20 yards outside the in side of the bridge and cast to the shade-line with Mepps spinners (their XD – extra deep… series worked for me)and small jigs and minnows. The stripers want a moving bait. Use Mepps silver spinners and you’ll just kill them! You’ll get 6 or 8 till they spook. In two days, the boys and I took several limits of nice Crappies from these two spots. Go get em !

July 15, 2002 at 4:03 pm