Fished “the hole” on French from 4pm-8pm for crappies. I had been on roberds lake from noon-3:30 pm and managed to catch one ‘eye in 20’. Marked fish all around the grassy island in 14′-20′ of water, but the fish were tight lipped under the bright skies. The ice varied from 3-4 inches near the grass island to 10-12″ on other areas of the bays.
Popped 12-13 crappies on French. Size was not spectacular as the fish were between 7-9 inches and one was 10″. The fish were taken on minnows on a deadstick-the bobber took ziltch. Custom jigs and spins demons (purple head) and ratso’s (white glow) was all they would hit out of 20 or so lures I dropped to them. Tight lines!

January 10, 2002 at 5:11 am