Clear Lake

  • jmj83
    Posts: 40

    Anyone been over to clear lake in waseca? planning to go on Wed. and just wondering?
    Good Luck

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 200

    One of the guys here at work drives past it each day.He said there were people driving on it last week.I haven’t fished it since early January.

    Mankato, Mn
    Posts: 296

    Any luck? how much ice is there? im goin to clear on monday cuz we dont have school


    Posts: 40

    Was over to clear lake on Wed. caught a variety of fish. Bluegills, crappies, perch, a tulibee, and one snake northern. Fishing 15 fow, there was about 13″ of ice, and everybody was driving on it.
    Good Luck

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