I think Krista might have her directions mixed up again The Upsala, MN I know of is not on the Southern side of the state . In fact, you can’t get much more North than Upsala in MN . Maybe that Blazer has a bad compass and that is why she gets lost ?????
I was at Cedar Lake Saturday night! Oh wait that was Cedar Lake Speedway! There is a pond in the middle of the track. I’ll bring my baitcaster and a powerbait lizard next week and check it out for ya!
I was at Cedar Lake by the speedway on Saturday and Sunday. Beached on the sand bar and had a few adult beverages. Didn’t wet a line all weekend, but spent a ton of time on the water!
I don’t think I could sit on that sandbar and NOT wet a line. That lake has some tremendous Muskies in it. I’ve also had a lot of fun throwing flies at the white bass in that lake, there’s a ton of them in there. If you find one then you’ve found a bunch of them and the action can be pretty good.