Cannon Lake

  • FishRulerHookEM
    Posts: 6

    I found Cannon Lake on dnr lake finder and it looks really good. Says there are alot of walleyes,catfish,etc. I went by it today and saw that the water color was green and brown and there was alot of blue algae. I think it was from all the rain it recieved.Does Anybody fish this lake and is it good as it says it is?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Cannon can be exceptional for walleyes at night in the fall. Longlining floating raps or casting 3″ twistertails to the shallows. Numbers have always been good and you shouldn’t be surprised if you stick a mid-20″ fish from time to time.

    Posts: 180

    I generally fish it quite regularly up to the 1st week of June. It does get green, but has some current moving through it. The fishing has been tough for Cannon. The problem I believe is they are well fed. I seen thousands of minnows scattering last winter during early ice season and the fishing was the slowest I had ever seen though the ice. My best presentation is trolling crankbaits or casting cranks to weeds, but it’s hit and miss and usually best in a 25+ mph wind. It tests boat control, but it seems thats when they get active. Slip bobbering or drifting with leeches can work as well if you have a cooperative wind. Otherwise you could try some other lakes on the Cannon Chain such as Sabre, Tetonka, or French and Mazaska…there has been some fish on weedlines or deeper on French in transition areas in 20+ ft. Good Luck! TGIF

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I grew up in Faribault, and fished the lake extensively. One of the better lakes in the area for northerns, walleyes etc. I always seemed to pick up a bullhead or sheepie every time as well. I had good luck fishing current areas with lindys, or trolling floating raps until finding fish and then switching to casting. On that lake, when I found one, I found a bunch. Try the current at the west end near the inlet, or near the bridge into Bully Wells, or trolling by Shager park on the south side near the access.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Cannon is a good lake. The only problem is (just like almost every other southern MN lake) it gets green in the summer and walleyes are tough to come by. Spring and fall can be really good. I was out there on opener and we only caught a few but one was a 27″. Current areas are always good on all of those Cannon river lakes.
    Anyone ever have much success out there during the summer?

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 32

    I’ve had great days on Cannon and I’ve had stinkers. One technique that has worked very well for me when the wind blows is to rip jig the sunken humps. This works best when the water is somewhat clear (spring and fall).

    There are some awfully big pike in the lake. A year ago I had a friend out fishing who doesn’t get many opportunities to fish. He caught and released about a 16# fish. I’ve also had many small ‘eyes shredded by pike.

    Good luck if you go.

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