Any Luck- Panfish???

  • Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Anyone been out checking out the early season Crappies and Sunnies??? any action yet. How bout water temps???? have not been out yet. may take a motorcycle ride when the rain quites and take my thermometer with me to check some temps. I will report back.. Jack..

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    I’m giving it a shot on Saturday. I’ll let you know what I find. Any suggstions on a decent (cheap) thermometer? People seem to be very interested in temps this time of year so I’d like to include that if I have anything to report.


    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 426

    MAybe today! I’ll let you know! Adam??? went out on Coon with his Daughter last week and didn’t do very well. Water was still pretty cold. I don’t remember what he said it was! Talk to you later!

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Here in southern MN there are (were) quite a few fish up shallow already. That was before all the rain and cold. Tetonka in the lagoons and Frances produced some decent pannies for me before this rain and cool down. By this weekend, I’m sure they’ll be right back where they were before. Get out there and get after em.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Hi Rootski,
    as far as taking temps, I use an old air conditioning thermometer, only about 6 inches long, fits in my pocket, and very accurate. do not know what they cost. Jack..
    (side note). am interested in getting up to that little lake off 36 with you this year).

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    Here in southern MN there are (were) quite a few fish up shallow already. That was before all the rain and cold. Tetonka in the lagoons and Frances produced some decent pannies for me before this rain and cool down. By this weekend, I’m sure they’ll be right back where they were before. Get out there and get after em.

    Tetonka in the lagoons is always been FUN! Take the kids – they will love it if the bites hot. Please keep everyone posted. Thanks.

    Let us know what you find Jack. Thanks.

    Thanks, Bill

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719


    You’ve probably guessed where I’m heading on Saturday! Every year things develop a little different and I like to do my homework before Memorial Day weekend, if you know what I mean. I’ll be in touch.

    Thanks for the tip on thermometers.


    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Was out on Frances last night and only caught a few. I think the rain and cold from the past few days with the wind we had all day keep them slow. Here’s about the best one I had 11 incher. Also caught a few decent size sunnies. I think this weekend will be good with the weather that we are getting.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for sharimg.
    Thanks, Bill

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Anybody fishing Shields Lake bridge for crappies????

    I’ve been trying to get down there, but just can’t get away……….

    Maybe this weekend, if I’m lucky!!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Shhhhhhhhh!!! When that gets hot its [HOT].

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    took out the motorcycle yesterday and met a friend on Cedar south of Prior, got plenty of sunnies from shore and only one crappie all small. with a south wind of 67 degrees, had water temps on north shore of 51. Carls lake ramp, north lagoon had 55. downtown Northfield cannon river two days ago had 45. saw some guys catching there big Buffulo, they can take all they want there. more soon. Jack..

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Nice weather forecast! It’s 3:30 PM and raining heavily in So. St. Paul. So much for getting out today. I’ll try it tomorrow.

    I did some running around today and went to 3 different Gander Mountain’s and also Joe’s looking for a thermometer. The really discouraging thing was that the sales guys didn’t even know what I was talking about. It’s sad when the sales guy has no idea why you’d want to measure water temperature in the first place. Needless to say, I came up empty so if I can make it out tomorrow I wont be able to report on water temperatures.


    Posts: 37

    The temp on Francis was abour 54 on Saturday (after the day long rain). We were on the west side for a little while late afternoon and didn’t fair real well. We found another spot that had more defined structure (a big key) and it was pretty much non-stop action for crappies and the occasional sun fish. The crappies ran anywhere from 9 to 11 or 12 inches. Nothing realy big but not too bad to start the season. We took out 10 a piece but probably caught 20 more than that. Plus one enourmous dogfish that won’t be a bother no more.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The forcast for Red Wing on Saturday was to rain for 2 hours only. Launced the boat and as soon as we were in the water it started raining. Rained all day til 5:00 when we took out. Then the sun even came out. Great to be on the water as always but nicer weather would og been great.
    Thanks, Bill

    ps. not raining today but have a grandaughter Birthday party to go to in Northfield today. lol. It figures hey.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Got out today on Demontreville. According to another angler I spoke to, the water was pretty much 54-55 degrees all over the lake. Very clear water and quite a few of the “perrenial” weeds made it through the winter. I started off pitching jigs on the North shore line and immediately was into some big ‘ole basses. 18-19 inches and very chunky. Not wanting to harrass the bass out of season I backed off into deeper water. There wasn’t anything happening along the weedlines (except more bass) and I ended up drifting acros an 11 foot deep flat that still has a couple of feet of weeds on it. Drifting tube jigs just above the weeds resulted in 8 or 9 Crappies in the next hour. These fish were all around 7-8 inches with the best one just over 9 inches. This lake has been this way for years now, people must be taking all the 9 inchers they can catch I never found a crappies in less than 10 feet of water all day. Maybe the clear water has something to do with that. The shorelines were full of sunfish and I had a ball catching about 100 of them with the Flyrod. Of course they’re all stunted but it was still fun watching them chase down the fly. Several of the Pumpkinseeds were in the 8 inch class.

    In conclusion I didn’t do anything that will get me into the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame but it it was WONDERFUL to be out in my boat with a flyrod in my hand and the sun shining down. What a day!


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the report Steve. Sounds like fun on a nice sunny day.

    Drove by the bridge on Shields and there was one car there plus another that just had gotten there. Sounded like its too early as no biters and not much flow there. I could tell the water level was up on the lake but only a few boats out. The water didn’t look very deep by the bridge though.

    Thanks, Bill

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Hi Bill,

    Last spring I made it down to Shields and it was tough. I’ve heard that it’s supposed to be a good panfish lake so I was excited to try it. We caught two small Bass near the access and that was it. On the other side of the island from the access, over the 40 foot hole, there were hundreds of suspended fish about half way down. They weren’t biting. It sure wasn’t our day.
    Maybe if that lake turns on we can meet there. It’s probably half way between us.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I have only fished Shields a couple times. The spring time usually sees a good panfish bite and sometimes even a super bite. Walleye can be tricky I hear [good and bad] but I have mostly just fished the panfish bite there. On my way from Northfield to Cabelas to pick up some fishing shirts I stopped down there to see what was happening. Too early yet it sounds. I plan to hit some of these lakes this summer as I have a almost 13 year old grandaughter who likes the panfish bite on these lakes who lives in Northfield. Felt good to drive through that area and see the lakes from the highway. I miss it. Been planning on hitting Lake Zumbro alot and the good o’l Mississippi River alot but I will have to sneak this area of waters in too. So many bodies of water and only so much time. If we could fish 5 days a week and work only 2 days a week we could still only hit some of the waters in Minnesota and Wisconsin as there are so many. Just hope when the bridge bite kicks in that people don’t hurt the fishery as its easy pickins and can hurt the lake big time.
    Thanks, Bill

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Shields has a BOAT LOAD of good crappies and sunnies!!!!!

    They are there; you just have to search them out!!!!

    The walleye bite on Shields is down right flat out frustrating. Basically, it is a one our bite in the morning and a one hour bite in the evening. They are your typical low light biters on a small lake……

    As for the crappies….
    This time of the year, go to the bridge. Everyone goes there; it is no longer a secret. HOWEVER, not everyone will catch fish. My advice if you do go to the bridge is to “KISS” (Keep It Stupid Simple). A plain minnow will generally out-produce all the plastics/flu-flus/mini-mites/whatevers….. The majority of the time when I do go to the bridge and there are others there, I will catch 10 to their 2, when our floats are only 2 feet apart. It makes many a man go home frustrated. However, I’m running a plain minnow and the other gents are generally running plastics…..You have to remember that these fish are feeding in the spring (spring is small bait time – Remember to “match the hatch”). You also have to take into consideration that 10 or 20 people fishing at one time in an area the size of a 3 car garage, all throwing plastics, is going to turn the fish into a neutral mood……..So it is finesse time…….

    As far as to where to go on the lake?
    Go to Bohemian Bay. This is the NW bay that is next to the gravel road (Irwin Path). In here, there are a couple of points.

    Another spot is to work the south end of the reed bed. Here, there are a couple of humps that peak out at 8′. They are not marked well on the map……..So, run your boat and find them!!!

    Lastly, a good spring spot is the very south end of the lake. Here, is where the Cannon River starts. There is a large reed bed-shoreline and that back bay is all sand. Play around back there and you will again, find all the sunnies you want!!!

    The bonus fishing these crappies this time of the year is that generally a big bass will take your bait once in awhile. While I’m not stating to fish for bass, it happens. And when it does, you may catch a bass weighing in the range of 6+ pounds!!! 3 years ago, I personally believe I saw a kid pull a bass out while crappie fishing, that had to match or possibly beat the state record!!!! It was HUGE!!!! I really felt bad for the kid, as he wanted to keep it, but he let her go…….Too bad we didn’t have a camera at the time……

    Ice fishing on Shields has shown me the VAST amount of fish in the lake. Ice fishing in Bohemian bay in 10 fow, on weeds, has shown big bass, big northerns, tons of crappies and sunnies (quality fish too!!!), and even weed WALLEYES!!!! However, those weed walleyes just don’t feed during the day…….At least I couldn’t get them to bite…..

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Good info Gary. I’ll agree that the walleye bite on Shields can be tought but the guys that get them, get them big. One thing that you might want to try in the fall is casting live frogs. You’ll catch tons of bass, nice ones, and can be a good way to pound a few hog walleyes. All weed fishing.
    I was out Friday on a southern MN lake that usually warms quickly and fished a current area and kept around a dozen pretty good sunnies. A few were big bulls. I think this year the panfish bite shallow is starting quite a bit earlier than normal, so if you can, get out there and search the shallows. They are in there!

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Thanks for the great info, Gary! Last spring I found most of the places you mentioned and every time I thought “Here we go!” but the fish just weren’t there. i think we were too early. This year would be a lot different.

    So when are we going

    See ya


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    maybe this weekend????

    I’ll keep you posted.
    It is just crazy at work for me right now…….Everybody and their brother want to buy a house today…….

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    maybe this weekend????

    I’ll keep you posted.
    It is just crazy at work for me right now…….Everybody and their brother want to buy a house today…….

    And you are complaining??? Very informative post Bud. Thanks for the quality sharing. Look forward to your weekend report. I’ll be working the Lake Pepin Open Walleye Classic Tournament that Walleye Searchers of Mn. put on every year. But I will bring along a boat too so I can play some between launch time and having to weigh in their fish. My oldest son will be here the following weekend from OshKosh Wisc. so I will again miss this bite. Take a camera so you can really rub it in. Have fun!!!
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 180

    Once the weather stabilizes the bite for panfish should kick in. I’ve been getting crappies since the 5th of April, but a few here and there…some nice one’s. That was shore fishing low current areas where crappies are chasing bait. Water is up and weather and fronts have made fishing difficult. Add in that I was turkey hunting so the rods were playing second to the shotgun and binocs. Not much activity on the lakes yet…mostly the fine tuning of boats, motors, and electronics going on.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    what lakes have you been fishing???? do you know any of the water temps??? might try and get down to Mazaska soon. always can get some descent fish during ice fishing, would have to think the fish there are coming shallow.
    anyone been on this lake lately. ???

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for sharing Brian. Sure would appreciate any reports you can give us on the lakes in your area. Theres alot of bodies of water over there and fisherman are very interested in reports there. Great way to start a guide business too if you ever think you might like to try that. I know you know the lakes very well so your reports would create alot of following.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 180

    Jack, fish should be moving in and out of shallows on Mazaska or stumbling around the deeper weedlines and out to 20 ft looking for a meal. I haven’t been out there since ice fishing, but fish were pushing those weedlines already then with 15″ of ice over their heads. Time is something I haven’t had much of lately….hopefully this weekend I can wet a line, but it will likely be all on pool 4. There doesn’t seem to be much for hot bites lately as mother nature can’t decide between winter or spring. If you get on a school you should be able to catch a batch. TGIF

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Guys, if you’re looking for some nice craps and sunnies, Madison has been pretty decent. I was out there fishing the tourney on sat. and was able to catch some decent fish. The craps were running 10-12″s and the sunnies were in the 9-10″ range. You had to work hard for them fishing them deep and really eyeballing the graph, but when you saw fish, you got a bite. I would imagine that as soon as it warms, those fish will move shallow and the real fun will start.

    The usualy spots produced fish and it took a little over 8 pounds on a 10 fish limit to win the thing.

    Anyone else been out at all? I know it’s been cold, but I’m sure some diehards have been out exploring a little bit.

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