Shields has a BOAT LOAD of good crappies and sunnies!!!!!
They are there; you just have to search them out!!!!
The walleye bite on Shields is down right flat out frustrating. Basically, it is a one our bite in the morning and a one hour bite in the evening. They are your typical low light biters on a small lake……
As for the crappies….
This time of the year, go to the bridge. Everyone goes there; it is no longer a secret. HOWEVER, not everyone will catch fish. My advice if you do go to the bridge is to “KISS” (Keep It Stupid Simple). A plain minnow will generally out-produce all the plastics/flu-flus/mini-mites/whatevers….. The majority of the time when I do go to the bridge and there are others there, I will catch 10 to their 2, when our floats are only 2 feet apart. It makes many a man go home frustrated. However, I’m running a plain minnow and the other gents are generally running plastics…..You have to remember that these fish are feeding in the spring (spring is small bait time – Remember to “match the hatch”). You also have to take into consideration that 10 or 20 people fishing at one time in an area the size of a 3 car garage, all throwing plastics, is going to turn the fish into a neutral mood……..So it is finesse time…….
As far as to where to go on the lake?
Go to Bohemian Bay. This is the NW bay that is next to the gravel road (Irwin Path). In here, there are a couple of points.
Another spot is to work the south end of the reed bed. Here, there are a couple of humps that peak out at 8′. They are not marked well on the map……..So, run your boat and find them!!!
Lastly, a good spring spot is the very south end of the lake. Here, is where the Cannon River starts. There is a large reed bed-shoreline and that back bay is all sand. Play around back there and you will again, find all the sunnies you want!!!
The bonus fishing these crappies this time of the year is that generally a big bass will take your bait once in awhile. While I’m not stating to fish for bass, it happens. And when it does, you may catch a bass weighing in the range of 6+ pounds!!! 3 years ago, I personally believe I saw a kid pull a bass out while crappie fishing, that had to match or possibly beat the state record!!!! It was HUGE!!!! I really felt bad for the kid, as he wanted to keep it, but he let her go…….Too bad we didn’t have a camera at the time……
Ice fishing on Shields has shown me the VAST amount of fish in the lake. Ice fishing in Bohemian bay in 10 fow, on weeds, has shown big bass, big northerns, tons of crappies and sunnies (quality fish too!!!), and even weed WALLEYES!!!! However, those weed walleyes just don’t feed during the day…….At least I couldn’t get them to bite…..