My buddy just received a citation for not pulling his drain plug & live/bait wells in his boat – he left Cove Bay on Milac’s, 5 miles down the road he got pulled over. $50.00 FINE. Make sure you guys spread the word!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Mille Lacs Lake » C.O.’s Enforcing “Drain Plug” Rule
C.O.’s Enforcing “Drain Plug” Rule
May 19, 2010 at 9:39 pm #873213
News to me!!! I usually drain at the launch and replace the plug.
Regulations on transport of infested water.
The following regulations apply to the transportation of water from infested waters (violations are misdemeanors or civil penalties of $50 to $200):water from infested waters may not be used to transport fish except by permit;
persons leaving infested waters that contain populations of spiny waterflea or zebra mussels must drain bait containers, other boating-related equipment (excluding marine sanitary systems) that holds water, and livewells and bilges by removing the drain plug before transporting the watercraft and associated equipment on public roads ($50 civil penalty or misdemeanor);
water from infested waters may not be transported on a public road or off riparian property on infested waters except in emergencies or under permit ($200 civil penalty or misdemeanor).May 19, 2010 at 9:41 pm #873214watched a guy try to be in a hurry and back his trailer down to the water to remove his boat, got too close to the dock and tore off his rear tail light on the dock, was in the lot securing his boat when a CO came over and gave him a ticket for a broken tail light! We laughed. Watch for any weeds hanging from your trailer also.
May 19, 2010 at 9:44 pm #873215You also cannot leave the lake with water in a leach container or minnow bucket unless you have proof of using bottled water to replace the lake water.
May 19, 2010 at 9:47 pm #873216Quote:
watched a guy try to be in a hurry and back his trailer down to the water to remove his boat, got too close to the dock and tore off his rear tail light on the dock, was in the lot securing his boat when a CO came over and gave him a ticket for a broken tail light!
Was the CO trying to win the D-Bag Of The Year Award?…
May 19, 2010 at 9:52 pm #873218Quote:
The answer is clear, keep your bait in a portable toilet.
just don’t forget there is bait in there. or you could be dodging more then dead minnows, when trying to get more bait for your hook…
May 19, 2010 at 10:05 pm #873219we will no longer be using the bait well, just went and bought a Frabill insulated bait bucket with a battery O2 pump, just add ice to keep everything cool. The leeches we just kept in a small pail and had a gallon jug of water if we needed to refill. Yeah that CO officer sure took the cake for recking a perfect day.
May 19, 2010 at 11:19 pm #873231my boat dont leak a drop so why should i even have to pull the plug? sounds like he was in a bad mood and trying to get the guy for anything he could.
May 20, 2010 at 3:09 am #873271$180 fine for not draining my livewell with fish in it. I always take fish home in the livewell with water. Not anymore.
May 20, 2010 at 3:17 am #873274Sounds like the same thing they did on the river when the zeebs first showed up. Lot of education and enforcement. Now not much going on. Give it a year or two and I expect the same on Mille Lacs. Not going to stop the spread unless they closed the lake down to any boats!
The zeebs are in there thick in a lot of areas. Snagged them up several times over the last weekend. Will be interesting to see the effects over the next few years.
Posts: 470May 20, 2010 at 12:37 pm #873325When I read the law it sounds like all I have to do is pull my plug and drain my boat…doesn’t say anything about the plug having to stay removed until I get home! If the guy claimed he drained his boat and replaced the plug then it’s up to the C.O. to prove he didn’t if you ask me.
I think we all know what happens when you think you will remember to put your plug back in! Would the DNR prefer you drown on your next outing or are they just concerned you don’t transport exotic species.
May 20, 2010 at 1:29 pm #873345JJ, I know where you were fishing.
Yeah that North sand is stacked in some places.
May 20, 2010 at 2:20 pm #873366I’m the guilty one.
I got a call that my kid was having a serious reaction and he needed medical attention. So I was in a real hurry. The co was sitting around the corner of the shack watching me ( never saw him only a black truck)franticly trying to get my boat out the water on get on the road. I knew I had not taken on any water so I didn’t bother to unscrew my drain.
I blew out my live well most if it any way on the way in I had one fish in the box.
Figured I was good to go. I’m not trying to cry foul. But all the CO had to do is to walk over and say did you remember to unscrew your drain. No he waited until I drove off and then followed me to pull me over on the narrow hiway.I didn’t take the time to pull all the plugs and make sure all the water was out of my live well. I made the mistake I received a $50 civil ticket for not pulling the plug on my boat. I could have been a lot worse. And the CO did his best to get me back on the road. I got home as fast as possible to get my little guy fixed up. Benadril (Sp)works. Just wanted to give a heads up and save someone else a $50 burn or worse.
I do have one comment. I do not understand how I am supposed to prove that my leech water is pure. When I buy leeches I get them by the pound @ $20.00. Usually I keep them in 1 container. I have a hard time pouring 20 bucks on the ground every time I go fishing, or minnows for that matter. Does the State list a specific prodical for how to maintain your live bait or do we have to pour it on the ground every time?
May 20, 2010 at 11:38 pm #873578The answer is no…………it’s not possible to transport exotics on gill nets.
May 24, 2010 at 3:15 pm #874363Sorry, I think this is terrible. If a CO is sitting around the corner, waiting for you to drive away in violation, only to follow you an ticket you, wow. Did you deserve a ticket, sure, you cannot argue with the law. Could the CO who was watching you walk up and introduce himself, inform you of the new law, and help you to become compliant there and in the future? I guess not. Apparently the thinking is hit him hard, that will get the point across.
May 24, 2010 at 6:08 pm #874480I do believe live wells are where the issue lies….. personally, I always pull my boat plug…. hence I always remember to put it back in. Just part of the routine now…
big G
May 25, 2010 at 2:38 am #874685Quote:
Sorry, I think this is terrible. If a CO is sitting around the corner, waiting for you to drive away in violation, only to follow you an ticket you, wow. Did you deserve a ticket, sure, you cannot argue with the law. Could the CO who was watching you walk up and introduce himself, inform you of the new law, and help you to become compliant there and in the future? I guess not. Apparently the thinking is hit him hard, that will get the point across.
The co told me they have educated or warned people for the last 2 years. He told me the admin said its time to enforce the law. I his defence he was almost appologetic about giving me the ticket . Good luck fishing and be safe.
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