1st timer

  • whiskeyandwater
    Posts: 2014

    Alright So I have never been up to Mille Lacs in the winter. ( I know bad me) However the wife will be heading out of town for a weekend around the middle of the month, and My sister wants to watch my son. So I figured I may as well give the lake a shot what else am I going to do?

    So my question is this how is the perch bite around then up there, and umm any advice, start points?

    I don’t think I can cover this lake searching on my own like I do other new lakes. but I’m willing to try if I have to.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    Sweet ???? Well if it is gonna be the weekend of the 13th… we will have a crew up and fishing the WhiteCap Perch Pounder Your more than welcome to hook up with us and we can show you where we go Can’t guarantee many perch (I didn’t drill a hole last weekend at the Extravaganza) but I can guarantee a great time. A button costs $10 and is your entry and includes a great Hog roast

    big G

    Posts: 2014

    yup just trying to hide from you G! That worked well Just figured it was time for a name change.

    Thanks for the invite however it looks like it’s actually going to be the following week

    I like you style of fishing. I have a feeling that may be how my trip up there ends up.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    The lake is full of perch, mostly on the smaller size. If your looking for action I would try to target tulippe’s. Constant action, occasional big junbo perch mixed right in. I heard seguchie flat has a ton of them right now. Otherwise look for big g

    Posts: 2014


    The lake is full of perch, mostly on the smaller size. If your looking for action I would try to target tulippe’s. Constant action, occasional big junbo perch mixed right in. I heard seguchie flat has a ton of them right now. Otherwise look for big g

    That’s what I was afraid of. I’ve caught enough small perch to satisfy me for a while.

    Alright so switch gears then Tullibe you say huh?! So how does one target the bad boys. a day of fun, with an eater or two of perch works for me. Just looking for something to do really.

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