Late report from the Pond

  • inge66
    Posts: 366

    Well I took the wheel house for its first voyage to the pond. We left Albertville at 0430 on Sat 01-09. Got set up and met another friend on the mud. Sat am bit was slow, so I I went and hole hopping on the Jug, Rocket, and the Boot with not much to show. Back to the wheel house I go to check on my neighbor and his 5 year old. They to had a slow day but his 5 year old was able to ice his first walleye through the ice on camera.

    The evening bite was a little better and we were able to keep 5 out of the 15 or so that we caught. Most were under 10 inches. After the evening bite was over the wheel house was moved to a different spot and set up on top of the flat in 24′.

    Woke up the next morning with several fish on the graph but couldnt get them to bite. Another buddy showed up at 0800 and I then started popping holes off the edge out to 30-31′. Well there they were. We fished outside most the day hole hopping and popping holes to stay on them. We finished the day with about 30-35 being caught and 1 shy of a four man limit with the biggest being 19.5 inches and alot of 10 inchers being caught. We also caught 4 jumbos and 5 white fish. Most of our fish came off of jigging raps with a minnow head.

    So all and all it was a great weekend with the new house.

    Posts: 3239

    Glad to hear the maiden voyage went well. And as a bonus
    you did pretty good fishing.

    Did you leave your house in Terry’s harbor? I saw a
    sparkling new IceCastle parked there.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Sounds like a good trip!


    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Sounds like an awesome trip can’t wait to get up there next weekend

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Sounds like a great weekend to me! Congrats to the young man on his first ice eye

    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173


    Glad to hear the maiden voyage went well. And as a bonus
    you did pretty good fishing.

    Did you leave your house in Terry’s harbor? I saw a
    sparkling new IceCastle parked there.

    That was most likely my father in-laws (Hunter Green)…? We will be using it the weekend of the 23rd stop by and say “Hi” always good to see a IDOer.

    Posts: 366

    Thanks guys, no didnt leave it at Terrys but did see that one to. Looking forward to getting back there in two weeks.

    Posts: 42

    I Try, did you go out of Terry’s then and did he have roads to all the flats or were you cross country?? What time is he open for access?? Congrats on the maiden voyage and nice report. What side of the flat were you off of if I might ask and did you key on points or inside turns??

    Posts: 42

    Just got back from a slowwww day on the pond. No one was out there, so I am guessing that the weekend was slow also? I caught two small eyes, a number of little perch and little tullies. Tried three different flats and ended up leaving early to go panfishing on the way home. I guess I should have been there last week.

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