Have you ever heard a fisherman complain about Milfoil or Zebra mussels and for that matter any of the exotics? Sure, it would be nice if we could keep them from being transferred, but no matter how careful we all are, and how much money the DNR wastes on this,it is impossible to keep this from happening. I get a kick out of how they fine us for transporting a weed on our trailers, when they should be going after the shipping companies that brought this stuff over here for billions. Another funny fact is most of the people writing about this only sit and look at the lake they live or have a cabin on.
I was reading a newsletter my brother received from the lake association up by Baby Lake. The woman was writing about this very topic and after naming every exotic…..she would say “scary”. What is so scary about milfoil? The scary thing is if it does get in the lake, it does choke out the resident weeds, yes, but the scary thing is when the residents dump chemicals in the lake to kill the milfoil. That’s when it get’s scary to me.
Sorry for ranting!