Mitch and Everyone,
Your take on the weather and ice making the past 24 hours is dead on. Today, we still can not find 10 inches of ice in our area. (we won’t drive on less than 12″)It was still the 9.5″ it’s been now for a couple days.
We surely doubt, even with the big cold snap starting tomorrow night and being in place over the weekend, that we can safely allow anyone with cars or trucks and SUV’s, nor our trucks on the ice until at least Monday.
We will continue to check on the ice thickness daily, and if things change drastically, our plans could change. Not likely, but we are surely open to getting on the ice sooner if things become safer sooner.
As of now, our plan is to put the trucks on the ice Monday and plow at least the shore related fishing grounds. Knowing that the banks will flood and become hard as a rock overnight, we will plow them to mid season width right away. Then we’ll do the house driveways. Again, knowing these banks will flood, especially after houses are in place, we will drill a hole right away where the house will sit and let things flood as much as possible. With the cold overnight temps in place, this system will allow the houses to set on more ice, with less fresh, flooding under the house and skids when they get spotted. We hope to avoid as much flooding as possible by not only waiting until at least Monday for more ice but also creating some flooding before the houses add weight to the relatively thin ice.
We surely appreciate everyone’s patience. Simply, the ice is what is. Your safety and comfort, as well as our staff’s safety is paramount. Call it “ice logistics”.
Of course, at no charge, our access will continue to be open to ATV and snow machine traffic. Check in at the office for ice updates before you go out as this cold snap will surely have the typical crack(s) active and up to date direction is always best to have before you leave shore.
Stay tuned!