Red Door Front and Center!

  • wade
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Look forward to meeting you (in about 4 or 5 hours) Wade Sand is my name and will be with Shane Hendricks!

    Posts: 11

    Quick report……”midnight fishermen” report lottsa fish pulling cranks. Most were too big but plenty of action.

    North winds have the lake very fishable on the north shores.

    More reports later….

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    “Mid-day” fishermen are reporting spotty success. Some report as many as 20 walleyes for 3 guys since 8 am. and some report one or two fish total. Unlike last opener, MOST boats are getting a few or more. Walleyes over the 18″ mark are dominate in all reports. Many 27″ inchers have been reported but none over 28″ have been reported out of The Red Door yet.

    Northerly breezes are keeping the lake very fishable. Occasional rain/mist showers are passing through but NO SNOW! Less wind tomorrow and very little chance of rain so things should be as good or better.

    Mid-day catches have, as predicted, come from around 20′ give or take a couple. Light long Lindy rigs and leeches have been the ticket. And the bobbers should sink this evening in about 8′ to 12′. Stay tuned…..

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The evening bite, for those that weren’t already fished out from a hard day on the water, was pretty good. The keeper to throw back rate went up to about 50 percent as many of the smaller fish are still in the shallow water and most of the daytime fishermen were out deeper. Several pairs of bobbers produced limits of keepers around dusk.

    Traffice Sunday morning, as usual, is much slower in waking up. Sun’s out and not much wind. Overall, a GREAT Opener at The Red Door!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    As everyone heads home safely we hope, The Red Door says THANK YOU to ALL of you who stayed here this weekend, and also to those who launched your boat here this weekend. And we surely look forward to and welcome the opportunity to have you as our guests in the future as well.

    We will try and keep you all updated on the fishing as the spring and summer develop. Feel free to chime in and ask here.

    Be safe and again a BIG THANK YOU from The Red Door!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Hey Red Door!! Nice fishing up there this weekend! We used the launch Saturday, and I would like to make one observation if I could? Please put a sign out at the entrance telling people to use the left road for putting in and taking out, and go straight out for parking and leaving. You have a beautiful ramp there! Easy in and easy out when everyone is doing the same thing. I talked to a number of folks who had mentioned the same thing…

    I love the new upgrades to the resort! It is arguably the nicest resort on the lake in my opinion!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Very good point. Most were told “directions” when buying the ramp pass but got confused when heading toward the lake. So barring putting a traffic cop in place, we hope to fix that asap.

    Thanks for your patience and kind words.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I sure love it up there! I asked Jami why it took so long to go in and pay so we could launch…and he said the ladies were chatting him up good!

    Always nice going up there!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Hey Reddoor — great place, my buddy has a fish shack up there (#121 I belive) and the facilities there are top notch, from the friendly staff, awesome guests, great ramp and harbor…couldn’t ask for a better place to stay! I know we can’t wait to get back up there!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    I’ll be up Sunday staying at the motel on Sunday and Monday, see you guys then!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Anyone want to Monday morning quarterback the weather man after this weekend? To say the least, it was a tough one Saturday. And the effects were still felt on Sunday.

    Fishing reports simply were “slow” for the weekend. Many braved the wind and cold, putting a gallant effort in. By Sunday afternoon and evening, the bite got a little better as conditions improved.

    The warm week in the forecast should help the bite and start concentrating fish on deep structure. Hopefully, Memorial Day weekend will be comfortable fishing conditions.

    THANK YOU to everyone who ventured to The Red Door this past weekend. We hope to see you again soon!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Thanks for a great stay Red Door, can’t wait to get back up there!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    A note to any Wavewacker fishermen(and anyone else), we do have lodging openings for the tourney dates as well as pre-fishing dates. Tourney is June 11th and 12th. The Red Door is about a 20 minute drive by hiway to the Fisherman’s Warf.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    It was a memorable weekend for sure! Unbelievable weather, no bugs(yet), calm seas and full gut buckets in the cleaning house.

    Fishing reports, especially evening reports were fair to pretty good. It sounded like less than 9ft. of water produced the best. The keeper to throw back ratio also went up compared to the Opener and the 2nd weekend. About 50/50 was the count this weekend. Many boats pieced together limits of 13″ to 17″ walleyes for the long weekend. Some daytime anglers ventured to the mudflats and noted lots of fish on the sonars and a handful of biters. The lake flies are ripe for the hatch to start on schedule. A few scouts have been seen hanging on the down wind side of the buildings along the lakeshore.

    A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who stayed with us this past weekend as well to those that used our lake access. It was a pleasure to meet many of you for the first time and to see all the familiar faces too. A great and memorable weekend at The Red Door! THANK YOU.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The following is an example of what you see every Thursday within the Fishing Reports section of The Red Door website.

    Coming into the weekend, reports from The Red Door walleye country during the past week are pretty good from the evening bobber fishermen. Reports of 6-8 keepers per boat have been common—coming from less than 10 ft. of water the hour before and after dark. Knox Point has been the popular area but fishing the sand breaks to the east in the evenings has been good also.

    Daytime fishermen have had to work harder and cover more water but on the windy days, bobbers have been sinking in the shallows also. Calm days have been best in 20′ to 26′ ft. with Lindy Rigs. Some fish are being caught on the flats during daytime hours as well.

    The weekend outlook? Temps in the 70’s with clear skies on Saturday with winds in the NW–breezy at times. Sunday mid 70’s as well and southerly winds as thunderstorms move through toward evening. The lake flies are now hatching which signals water temps approaching 60 degrees. Mudflat walleyes are now fair game. Water temps also signal the crawler and spinner combo should start to heat up, especially along deeper shoreline areas.

    So summer on the lake is fast approaching. Deep, shallow, Lindy’s, bobbers and spinners. Leeches and crawlers.

    It’s ALL happening at THE RED DOOR!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    First and foremost, The Red Door says a BIG THANK YOU to all who braved the big winds last weekend.

    Since the weekend the lake has been either flat or wild. Nothing inbetween until today. It’s nice today. Fishing reports continue to be about the same. Kinda tough during the day and pretty good in the evening in the shallows. One report from yesterday during the day was “8 walleyes total with 3 keepers”. That catch came from 22-24ft. on Lindy’s and leeches. The cool temps and big winds have kept the bug hatch to a minimum so far.

    Forecasts continue to be for cooler than normal the next few days. So far, wind forecasts for the coming weekend are on the light side from the north and east. Will that hold true? We hope!

    We look forward to seeing everyone this coming weekend at The Red Door!!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    THANK YOU to all of you who braved yet another chilly, windy weekend at The Red Door, allowing us the opportunity to host you!

    Saturday dawned with a cold heavy east wind. Wind from the east fish bite the least? Not this week! Good catches were reported from 8 to 14ft. anchored fishing bobbers and leeches. A fair mix of keeper walleyes and smallmouth offered most good action. But as the rain started late afternoon, the fishing action shutdown for the evening for the few that stayed out. Sunday the east wind continued along with the rain. Again, a few ventured out but we haven’t heard too much about how it was. One early Sunday report was “three keepers and one too big”. Some locals did well off the docks this past weekend with waves crashing into the shoreline. The local dock fishing can be good in the wind even during the day. Fish shallow?

    The coming weekend, if the forecast holds, looks much warmer. So stayed tuned! And again, we extend a BIG thank you to all of you that visited The Red Door this weekend.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    No plans for the weekend yet? It sure looks like it will be the nicest weekend of the young summer so far! And Mille Lacs could be a good place to spend the weekend. Temps are forecast to be in the mid 70’s with relatively light SW winds. Just right for a very comfortable day or two of fishing Mille Lacs.

    Not much in the way of fishing pressure this week except for the Wavewacker teams on the water. And the reports from teams staying at The Red Door are pretty upbeat. Quite a few fish are being caught on the mudflats this week and the shallow bobber bite in the waves has held up too. Yesterday one boat brought in 4 quick eaters caught on spinners and crawlers right out front in 24ft. So fishing is fair to pretty good in all directions.

    If you haven’t got plans made yet, give us a call! We have lodging openings for the weekend in both the cabins and the motel.

    It’s happening at The Red Door! We look forward to hosting you and yours!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    A BIG thank you to everyone who gave us at The Red Door an opportunity to be your host! And what a great weekend it was to be at Mille lacs. The weather Gods need a BIG thank you too!

    Fishing conditions and catching were pretty good. Daytime walleye catches from the mudflats dominated the reports we heard but a few good catches came from the shoreline deep water too. Keepers were hard to come by but fun big ones were common. As usual, the evening and night bite were best and again mostly from the mudflats. It sounded like both leeches and crawlers caught fish this past weekend on various types of rigs but Lindys were used most.

    A few reports of muskie follows but no hits came in from the weekend too.

    Still just a few fish flies. Night fishermen are seeing more bugs with the lights on than we are along shore during the day.

    We have lodging opportunities open for the coming week and weekend so sneak out and come visit The Red Door!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Could we get TWO great weekends in row from the Mille Lacs weather and walleye Gods? The forecasts are saying YES! Mid 80’s and light winds are dominating the weekend forecast. And sun to boot.

    Fishing pressure has been low this week, as usual, but catching reports are holding steady. Most of the fishing has been on the mudflats. And most has been in the evenings.
    Muskies have been”following” but we haven’t heard of any catches yet. Smallmouth have been spotty. Walleye fishermen on the Knox Point rocks have been catching a few.

    So it looks good for another great weekend on the big lake in Red Door country. We still have lodging opportunities open for the comng weekend so if you haven’t made plans yet, give us a shout. We look forward to being your host!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    As always, we at The The Red Door say THANK YOU to all who spent time with us this past week and weekend.

    And a great week it was! It’s summer now, no doubt. With temps in the 80’s and light winds most of the week and weekend, fishing held up pretty good. One group last Friday reported two over 28 inches among a few other big’uns and enough keepers for a meal. Most of the walleye catches have been from the mudflats but fish are still coming from deep shoreline breaks and shallow rock when the wind blows or in the evenings. Although our annual fish fly hatch has been very small, with the calm winds and humid hot temps the lake had a huge hatch of bugs of sorts over the weekend.

    Smallmouth fishermen around the Knox Point rocks and west toward Doc’s reported big catches both in size and numbers. We heard of many pushing 20 inches and one 21 inches.

    THANKS again to all who make The Red Door home base while you’re fishing Mille Lacs. We have lodging openings this week and coming weekend so we hope to see you all soon.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The weekly fishing report is now up on our web-page! We post it each Thursday.

    Good luck to all this weekend. Hope to see you! THANKS!!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    THANK YOU to all who braved the waves this past weekend in Red Door country. A big special THANK YOU to everyone from the Blaine Bros. company!!

    The fishing was tough in heavy seas Saturday but for those that got out, it sounds like they did pretty well despite the big wind. Most of the fishing was done on and around the Knox Point rocks from 4-12ft. of water. One report from the shallows said they could see walleyes swimmming in the troughs of the waves. Key word being shallow? Sunday proved to be the tougher day as the north winds howled and took the waves away from the shallows on the north shore and made it very tough on the mudflats. But overall, reports from the weekend were “we’re happy”!

    Early forecasts for the coming fireworks weekend look nice after a cool, windy week.

    Again, THANK YOU for allowing us to host you while you are at mighty Mille Lacs in The Red Door country!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I can’t wait to get up there in the Warrior!!! The kids want to do some trolling! We will be up soon! They love it there! It’s funny how kids relate places to conversations to life experiences. My goofy kids remember everything that was done or said in the boat up there! So much that I have to watch what I say! We can pass the 3rd dock to the east of the Door, and one will say “Dad, remember when we got that 26″ with the tag right there?” Or “That’s the spot you told us you got that big Musky!” The Red Door has provided many MANY memories for my customers and kids!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    The Red Door has provided many MANY memories for my customers and kids!!!

    Like that time a few Falls back we fished with your customers in the pouring rain and cold that switched to snow about 10 pm and by the time we left the lake the boat was all full of ice and snow. We cleaned the fish in the snow @ the Red Door for your customers staying there while having a few before crashing at your place at 4 am and having to work @ 7:30 am.

    That was a good bit definitely a chilly time!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    That was the Eric Anderson group. Yes, that ranks up there with one of the worst nights of my life!

    I remember looking up at the lights and seeing wave after wave of white.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Just as the fireworks was on various Mille Lacs horizons this past weekend, the weather in Red Door country was spectacular! And for many, the fishing reports weren’t too bad either.

    A big THANK YOU shouts out to everyone for choosing The Red Door for your Mille Lacs ventures this past week and weekend.

    Walleyes from the mudflats dominated the reports the past few days with crawlers dominating the bait of choice either on a spinner rig or plain hook rig. Evening anglers did well with the usual bobber set-ups on the in close mudflats, catching more little walleyes than others.

    The smallmouth continues to be strong on the rocks for a mile to the west of The Red Door with a tackle box full of ways to catch them.

    More muskies are showing up with reports of many follows this past weekend. No reports of any takers that we heard of. Just a reminder to the muskie hunters that we are filling up fast in late summer so if you are planning a trip to the north end muskie grounds, be sure to call about lodging soon.

    The coming weekend looks like another good one! If the forecast holds, winds will be northerly and not to heavy with cool temps in the 70’s.

    This weekend is the annual Red Door walleye tournament. We look forward to seeing all of you with lots of fish!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The 18th annual Red Door walleye tourney starts tomorrow and runs through Sunday. Each day is a separate competition.

    Watch for first day results to be posted here tomorrow evening.

Viewing 30 posts - 91 through 120 (of 162 total)

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