Red Door Front and Center!

  • Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    One house landed 7 Jumbo’s in a half hour Tuesday–then had to leave unexpectedly. This was 29ft. along shore west of Red Door and Knox Point.

    Many mudflat houses are now moving into deeper water outside the flat to pursue perch. That’s where the better perch bite should be–if they are there.

    More warm, bright sunny days should invite more aggressive perch hunting and catching. “should….”

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The Red Door fishing reports were the best of the season this past weekend. Although, as usual, a few skunks and “slow” comments came in, more “pretty good” and “great” reports from the warm but windy weekend were the norm. Perch catches were best in the 27′-30′ depths along shore and from the deep sides of the mudflats. The best walleye reports came from the 22′-24′ range on top of the flats…right next to the edge. One Iowa angler landed a 4 walleye “keeper” limit in a short Friday evening mudflat trip.

    Long range weather outlooks show another WARM weekend on the way so hole-hopping should, again, have good potential next weekend.

    THANK YOU to all who traveled to Red Door country this past weekend!!

    Sandstone, MN
    Posts: 83

    Hey there Red Door Reporter. Thanks for the “report.”
    Guess I’ll have to try deeper. Did they say what those perchies were bitin on?

    Posts: 1

    My first post – I’m a fellow Red Door’er as well.
    Saw quite a few walleyes with the camera this past weekend on the edge of Bombeck’s. Getting them to bite, however, continues to be rather difficult.
    Lotsa lookers, few takers. Moving baits (jigging) seems to get more of a response than deadsticking or bobbers. Tried the north end of Resort flat for a while (until the wind tried to turn our portables into parasails). Got a few better perch out there. We’ll try ‘er again this weekend.

    Posts: 1573

    Try tipping a jigging spoon with a few waxies or a crappie minnow.Might get some walleyes too.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Fishing reports from this past weekend slacked off a little from the weekend before. Best perch action came from the deep, muddy/buggy 28′-30′ shoreline areas. Average walleye catches of 50/50 keepers and big ones ran about 2-4 fish per house on the flats with a few from the perch country as well. Some got a few more and others got 1 or none.

    As posted earlier, the lake and roads are quite flooded from the past 3 days of rain and above freezing temps. ATV travel and 4×4 truck travel should be fine but until things freeze up, snow machines are having trouble pushing through the water and slush. Colder nights should firm things up by the weekend–we hope. In the meantime, the flooded roads and fishing grounds are being drained as we best we can by drilling holes scattered throughout the system and allowing the water to drain back down into the lake. Knee high boots will be a plus if the water/slush on top isn’t solid by the weekend.


    Again…THANK YOU to all who visited The Red Door this past week!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    “Pull Sally! Pull!!” is what The Red Door trucks hear these days. Those words mark the beginning of the end. Another week and the horizon as viewed from Wealthwood Shores will be a sharp contrast to the view of the past 10 weeks.

    Fishing reports from this second to last weekend of the walleye season were okay or even pretty good—for perch hunters. Again….the deep mucky/buggy water both east and west of The Red Door were the best perch producers. One house reported “20 jumbos” yesterday with many reporting double digit catches over the weekend. A few walleyes mixed the perch bag. Walleye action reports from the flats were scarce. Perch catches from the deep around the flats was tough as well.

    THANK YOU to all who we’ve seen in the past few days in Red Door country.

    “Pull Sally! Pull!!”

    Posts: 1573

    Got any pics of those new cabins?

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    hope the bite stays hot, I’m heading to the red door saturday morning. look forward to my first stay up there.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The new cabins are almost finished as carpet layers are on site now. So….stayed tuned for pics!

    Posts: 1573

    Cool Rates look reasonable and I know you keep things clean and orderly up there.I may look into renting one down the road sometime as I sold my place up there.Look forward to seeing some pics.

    Posts: 11

    Sally is tired and in hibernation until next December. The big houses are ALL off. BUT!!

    As long as conditions allow, The Red Door will maintain it’s lake access to perch country. Perch hunters this past weekend and now this week report pretty good catches consistently. Limits have been common–of keepers. 25′-30′ of water along the mucky shoreline has been best with all the typical perch techniques. Small baits…light line.

    So…it should be a good perchin’ weekend coming up out from The Red Door! (we hope)

    The Big Pond
    Posts: 478

    Did you get any snow the other day? It looked like it on radar. I know there is an ice snowmobile race neare the Goose this weekend. I’m wondering if the lake will be navigable by sled if some want to.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The ice surface is snow covered (2″-4″)and just fine for the snow machines. If the forecast holds, another 3-6 inches of snow will fall before the weekend with some drifting from predicted heavy northwest winds. All forms of travel should be okay but it wouldn’t hurt to have a shovel handy. As the weekend gets closer, if need be, we will update The Red Door
    area ice conditions.

    The new snow should enhance the snow machine trails as well.
    Maybe a good time for one last weekend of trail-riding? The state trails connect directly to The Red Door’s north 40–a direct drive from the motel and cabins!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    A quick look-see at the NEW Red Door cabins!!! More to come when the furniture is in……

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Very nice! I can smell the pine from here!

    One question…why the red door.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Looks great. Hard to believe they were just stick shells last fall.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The new cabins now have appliances installed and most of the furniture in place. Updated pics will be on the Net soon!

    The Red Door Sugerbush is steaming full speed ahead. The weather finally has turned the prime sugar maples into sap gushers the past two days. The cooker has been rolling full bore around the clock. The crew across the road reports 1200 gallons the past 48 hours.

    The lake access is still open but this will be the last weekend. The driveways and shoreline are getting way too muddy and soft for anymore traffic.

    Stay tunned for more new cabin pics and news!

    Posts: 445

    Are any of those beautiful new cabins still available for opener???

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Although cancellations are always a possibility, we are booked for The Opener. So check back in a few weeks just in case. However, we do have a handful of openings in both the motel and cabins on some of the key weeks/weekends of the summer. The phone has been warming up right along with the spring temps so if you have plans, now might be the time to check in on your choice of dates to get in when you want.

    THANKS for asking! We know your time at Mille Lacs hinges on your choice of lodging. Be confident that The Red Door will swing open wide to become your BEST Mille Lacs lodging choice!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Do you offer boat rentals at all?

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    We have pontoon rentals. Give us a call for pricing.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    We have two different crews collecting maple sap each year from The Red Door property. One crew stopped colecting last Sunday with about 1600 gallons cooked down and the other is still at it with over 1000 gallons(they tapped fewer trees) cooked down. Below is a pic of the sap cooker that is set up in the fish house park.

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Ta DAAAAA! Here are the pics of the new cabin interiors after being furnished. (too many for one posting so they are in two posting)Curtains are next and then done….

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    A couple more peeks at the cabin interiors and pics of the new driveways using crushed concrete that should work great to the new cabins.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Very Nice!!!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    best part, there’s no beer stains on the carpet!….yet Those look really awesome.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    This is great to see, it has actually been pretty tough the last few years finding places to stay. Cant wait to try one out this summer!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    THANK YOU! We look forward to hearing from you.

    FYI Our NEW website should be up and running sometime next week!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Hey All! Happy Opening Weekend!

    Just a quick “wish you all luck and safety this weekend”.

    The Red Door is ready to see and meet you all! The harbor is waiting with ample water this spring. Just idle straight out until you reach 4-5ft. and you should be fine. Please check into the office and ask about parking etc. We’ll do all we can do make your opening weekend the best of the best!

    Fishing tip(guess) for the weekend? Cold front with off-shore winds should put the bite a little deeper, especially after 8am. Very SLOW Lindy rigs with a leech on a long leader and SMALL plain in 16′ to 25′ should be a key way to get’em. We hope!

    Again, THANK YOU and good luck!

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