these are a few questions i asked the dnr about.
what happens if a gillnet has a muskie in it and the fish cannot berevived, does the weight of the muskie just count against their totalweight or is there a citation that is also written. also these nets thatget put out, it states on the glifwc website it says that the nets haveto be marked and have safety requirements. What are theserequirements??? It also states that a monitor must be present when a netis lifted, does this mean that the monitor would have to be in the boat to watch what is being brought in???
this is the answer i got:
Justin: Many of the specific questions that you are asking are better answeredby someone at GLIFWC as they are the regulatory agency for tribalharvest. The state and bands agree to the total safe harvest level. How the bands distribute their allocation internally is up to them, I donot know how they determine that. The state can only step in andregulate tribal harvest if it is a matter of resource conservation,health, or public safety. A dead muskellunge is confiscated. Specificsof the safety requirements would need to be obtained from GLIFWC. Patrick Schmalz1837 Treaty Fisheries Biologist1200 Minnesota Ave SAitkin, MN 56431
Nets lost and not looked for just floating collecting more fish, and just going to waste, wouldn’t that fall under resource conserving . 10 nets possibly more since they didn’t have an exact count, WHICH THEY SHOULD HAVE, floating god knows where, with opener 6 days away, isn’t that a matter of public safety .
ok that all for know. I am done venting
time to go and have a
I know Bob found some of the nets. more than what the indians even tried to do. just pack up and head to a different access.