Update on proposed Mille Lacs Fish House Park Ordi

  • kmcquoid
    Posts: 17

    Well, the Planning & Zoning Commision tabled the proposal and agreed to set up a subcommittee comprised of one county commissioner, two planning/zoning commissioners, two resort owners and one township supervisor. Hopefully this group can come up with a compromise that will meet the needs of the public while still being something that the resorts can ‘live’ with.’

    Frank Courteau, a County Commissioner who wasn’t at the meeting (he’s not on the P/Z Committee), did call Bob Hoefert (P/Z member) to tell him he supported the idea of a subcommittee and he would volunteer to be a part of it. That was great!

    Thanks to all of you for your support SO FAR. We’ll let the Messenger summarize the discussion later. Just wanted to let you know the outcome!! We’ll be needing more help for sure and will let you know…

    Karen & Kevin McQuoid
    Mac’s Twin Bay Resort
    SE Lake Mille Lacs

    P.S. Don’t know what we’re talking about?
    Check out this artice in last week’s Mille Lacs Messenger: http://millelacsmessenger.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubSectionID=1&ArticleID=17604

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