Let’s talk Mille Lacs! #2

  • randy1895
    Posts: 5

    Hello MilleLacs Fisherman……..My 1st question to you people that thought I was crazy is when is the last time you’ve fished MilleLacs? My 2nd question is, how many “dead” fish did you encounter? My 3rd question is how was fishing? Well I will bet that about 90% of you haven’t been to MilleLacs in about 2 weeks due in part to the new regulations and because of the reports that you heard (though the grape vine) which only supports my therory that most of you have’nt fished the lake like I have. Fishing if “POOR” to say the least and the “dead” fish floating is sad. If you can tell by this entry, I will tell you that I am mad a hell at the DNR and those of you who disagreed with me on my therory about this awesome fishery. Too little…..too late…..so in closing next year when you “fair weather” fisherman come to my beloved lake and take your limits (when fishing is good) remember July, August and September (not to mention the ice-fishermen which I’m one)maybe, just maybe your selfishness will over-ride your desire to look at things differently and be satisfied with less in your live well and support a 2 fish limit (any size). Replies are welcomed as always and for those of you that supported my therory…thank you.

    Posts: 1399

    I should have taken more “Therory” in college because I do not really understand what you are trying to say. I kind of gathered that if other fisherman don’t agree with you that they are somehow in the wrong? By the way, do you really own Mille Lacs because that would be really cool! I think Mille Lacs is “Beloved” by many more than just yourself. All kidding aside, we all hate to see dead fish floating out there, but biology should dictate the management of the lake….not one man’s “Therory”.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    If you’re saying that nobody is fishing the lake since the reg change and “Fishing is POOR to say the least and the dead fish floating is sad” what the heck is killing the fish? Is it city anglers that aren’t coming to the lake any more catching the fish that aren’t biting? If you’re saying that there’s a massive number of floating walleyes due to hooking mortality and all the “fair weather fishermen” are staying home now… it must be the few locals, right? Or no?

    There’s nothing wrong with loving Mille Lacs Lake but I honestly can’t be sure if I agree or disagree with anything you said.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Is that you???

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    I would have to disagree. I think the lake is doing just fine. I was out last sat. morning for four hours, caught 6 eyes and lost 2. For this time of year I would say it was pretty darn good. I dont know of any other lake in the state where I could have done that good this time of year.
    I only saw 2 dead fish. And who knows those fish could have been dead for a month just floating around. Just because you see dead fish out there every time you go out fishing doesnt mean they are all dying. I have seen dead fish out there every year since the great bite of 02 when forage was short. Yeah some fish are going to die, but thats going to happen. Its a huge body of water with lots of fish. As for the regulations, That wont stop me from going. If I want fish I can keep, then I will go to a lake where I can keep them, or maybe fish panfish, which is just as good. If someone wants to get hooked on fishing, this is the lake I would take them too. I remember when I was little and my grandpa ran a resort on the south side of the lake and my dad would take me up there on the weekends to what I used to call ” the dead sea”, and maybe catch a walleye or two, and now to see it as one of the best walleye fisheries in the state is great . Ever since they started the slot I have no longer called it “the dead sea”.
    Wallster ><((((>

    Posts: 1811

    Replies are welcomed as always….. with 4 postings hmmmmmmm ….

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    This is the most confusing post I have ever read. What is this guys point. Could he possibly be mad that because the DNR tightened the slot people are not fishing the lake? I don’t get it RR

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696


    Is that you???

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    The walleyes are still in the lake you just need to learn how to get them. Shallow walleyes early and late in the year are usually easier to catch because they can be caught by “conventional” techniques. We’ve been catching great fish since the “slow down” but had to learn new techniques to catch them. A special thanks is due to IDA member Grifter to sharing this knowledge on catching these walleyes.

    Posts: 507

    ooh, ooh, ooh…. I got it….I got it!!!!!!

    In the best interest of saving Mille Lacs (which in case you haven’t heard is in great danger of having walleye’s become non-existent) and to save yourself lots of time and feel really good about what you did for the lake each day…..instead of going out and catching your limit of fish for the frying pan, do the lake a favor and pick out floaters for the pan. That way you would save a few extra fish for all the “prostitutes” who are gonna be coming each weekend for the rest of eternity…

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Deep Fried Floaters.


    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Something reeks of Johnny Utah here, evidently IDA isn’t doing a good enough job of ruining the panfishing on pool 8 lately.

    Chris Meisch
    Ramsey, MN 55303
    Posts: 720

    I was up on Tuesday from Maple Grove and fished with a buddy who has only caught one walleye his whole life. He does not normally fish, but we were able to get out and find a few eyes. I guess I don’t get your point either. Fishing was slow for us too; but the beer was good, company was good, and we managed a few nice fish that went back in the lake. It is just that time of year. Life is good – Get over it…..We really only saw a few floaters.

    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    Never fished up there.As far as you being crazy your post here answers that one for it self.Dead fish float so youll see them (fishing 101).Poor fishing or poor fisherman not my call.You and the guy that own that resort need to decide ownership on those fish so if I do head up there I know who to talk to.As far as grape vine. The imformation on this site is to far advanced and we cant put the jesters on the grape vine I dont believe anyone here is useing it.Why did I reply not having ever fished up there and have no stake in any of this? You said I could.

    So St Paul
    Posts: 256

    One word…. WOW

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 280

    “…which only supports my therory that most of you have’nt fished the lake like I have.”
    -From the sounds of it, you seem a bit upset. I hope I don’t end up fishing the lake like you have! I hope I continue to keep up my success on “your lake”. I’m just happy to catch fish, whether they are 20+ or keeper slot fish. I thought fishing was supposed to be relaxing.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Sounds like someone trying to stir the pot. School starts soon and the number of posts like this will drop off.

    Elk River
    Posts: 6

    Well that was a confusing read! Here I thought Mille Lacs stood for “my lake” as in my lake not his! Just kidding, I love the lake and love the fishery it provides. Fishing is still very good and the crowds are down…hard to beat that! Bring on the rain….please.


    St. Louis Park
    Posts: 6


    Q#1: 3 weeks ago. (I must be part of the 10% who have not fished the lake in the past two weeks not because of the new regs but for other reasons, like…other commitments.)
    Q#2: About 3-4
    Q#3: Slow, compared to earlier in the year.

    If I am correct, you favored (your theory) a two fish limit, any size, versus the four fish, 14” – 16”, with one over 28” limit.

    If so, help me clarify your position relative to those who oppose your theory and/or “fair-weather” anglers; because I’m confused.

    1. On what is your theory based?
    2. If your theory was in place, would it attract the “fair-weather” anglers or send them elsewhere?
    3. Which do you prefer and why?

    It seems to me that the new regs are designed to make sure the quota is not exceeded, which, if so, would automatically shut down the lake to non-tribal fishing. Since 14”- 16” fish are in the minority and even if caught in great numbers, would likely have less effect on total poundage than a two-fish limit of any size (assuming that those two of any size would likely be larger and thus heavier fish, which it seems you prefer). So, who’s really looking out for whom?

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Well I for one have always enjoyed spending time on this amazing fishery. Whether I am out on a launch or in my or a buddies boat, it has nothing to do with slots or numbers. Do we always catch fish….no, do we always have fun…..YES. For some reason people seem to be so worried about the almighty slot. I would rather go up and catch 25, 26 & 27″ slobs all day long than put 4 – 16″er’s in the live well. But that is just me. The Millacs area commerce and DNR are their own worst enemies (IMO) there are too many big tournaments stacked on top of one another. With the chance of catching a 30″+ any time you are on the water, it’s no wonder there are so many of us that use & SUPPORT that lake. As long as you had fun what is the big deal. Have a great weekend.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830


    Deep Fried Floaters.


    Maybe fish soup or some sort of chowder??


    Was out a week ago last Wednesday.

    Fishing was slow but it usually is for most of us this time of year.

    Not having any wind didn’t help.

    Once the wind kicked up the fish started hitting.

    Heading out on Saturday.

    I don’t need to keep fish to have a good time.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    QUOTE: When is the last time you’ve fished MilleLacs?

    I fished Wed night and all day yesterday for a total of 20 hours.

    QUOTE: How many “dead” fish did you encounter?

    In twenty hours of fishing trolling approx. 2.0 m.p.h., I saw 5 dead walleyes.

    QUOTE: My 3rd question is how was fishing?

    We averaged about a fish an hour. Nothing like May or June but pretty typical for this time of the year.

    Over the last 10 days, I’ve fished Mille Lacs 5 days logging over 50 hours on the lake. No doubt about it, the bite is getting tougher but it is pretty consistent in regard to other years on Mille Lacs in the month of July.

    I remember back in 2002 when Mille Lacs encountered heavy fishing pressure because the bite was so good. Many people were saying that Mille Lacs was in trouble and the fishery would take a long time to recover due to over harvesting. That really didn’t hold true and 2003 was just as good as 2001 (the year before the big bite).

    I too, hate to see dead walleyes floating around this year and I also hated seeing all of the hundreds and hundreds of dead tullibes that were floating around last year due to the high temperatures we encountered. I guess we can’t blame anyone in regard to the dead tullibees. It’s easy to blame the DNR for the dead walleyes. However, it really comes down to you and me. I recently killed a 27 incher and felt awful about it. There was nothing I could have done differently from preventing the death of that fish except for not catching it in the first place. I don’t blame the DNR for that dead fish. I blame me and with that I need to balance on whether or not I want to fish Mille Lacs again or go somewhere else.

    He were are in 2007 and this has been another amazing bite on Mille Lacs. The fishing pressure has gone way down (which is pretty typical at this time of the year) but there are still fish to be caught and some of them are willing. We all fish Mille Lacs for different reasons. I love beer battered walleye just like you but I don’t blame the DNR if I can’t keep a fish outside of the slot limit. I guess I knew the regulations before I even got on the water that day and still made a choice to go fishing.

    Mille Lacs is an amazing fishery and I believe it’s in great shape. We may not have the good bite next year like we had this year, but most likely it will be just as good as in was in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006.

    In regard to your theory (keeping a limit totaling a number of inches) , I guess I have no opinion on that. I’m no expert and most definitely not an expert on how to manage a fishery like Mille Lacs. I’ll concentrate on doing my part by educating myself while practicing good catch and release skills.

    Please let us know how you do up there in the next month and post some reports. The more we educate each other and gather information, the better fishery we will have in the future.

    Posts: 2294

    I had 4 guide trips out in the last 7 days. Averaging about 25-30 walleyes a day with about a dozen smallies also. Not too bad considering the high water temps (76-79F mid afternoon each day), and the fact that all the young of the year minnows have moved off the shorelines and the food chain is in full swing! There is just too much food out there for anglers to deal with. What the lake needs is a good cold front with a couple days of rain and strong winds to cool it down and stir it up.

    As for floaters, has anyone noticed the lack of dead tullibe’s floating out there? I haven’t seen one this year. If we lose all the tullibe’s, we won’t be seeing many 28+” fish in the future. Tullibe’s are the biggest reason our walleyes grow to that 28+” size.

    South end
    Posts: 745

    The last time I was on Mille Lacs was Sunday the 15th of July. I was fishing muskies and had one mid 40″ follow and a small pike.
    I can’t tell you how many big dead walleyes me and my cousins (there are 6 of us that have places in a row) have buried. Worse I can remember. I’m not sure if it is all hooking mortality or the fact that there are a lot of big, older fish in the lake that are stressed; not by hooking but the water temp.
    I won’t be fishing for anything other than muskies for a while because I’m in the midst of replacing some rotten windows and will sneak out just before dark and throw some hair.
    You can’t own Mille Lacs. I do. Well, maybe just a little bit of the south shore.
    Time to gggggggo!

    Posts: 245

    I think the muskie population will be really hurting soon. The DNR stopped stocking muskies in Mille Lacs a few yrs ago i believe. Not sure on the actual time they stopped, but that doesnt make sense to me. Anyone????

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    #1 = Late June. Been busy with work, weddings, baseball/softball and other things. (Last time I was up, July 6th, we did hit the Whitecap beach though)

    #2 = I didn’t see any dead walleyes, on my last trip to the rock pile.

    #3 = Did allright. Ended up with 2 keepers in about 3 hours. One was my neice catching her first walleye ever. About a 17″ !!!

    I personally would wait a year or two, before claiming your theory of the lake being ruined.

    BTW(The northern I am holding in my avatar was caught in Northern Manitoba, 41″, at Lynn Lake Fly-In Outposts, that’s where I go trophy Pike fishing, 100% catch and release)

    big g

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080


    Deep Fried Floaters.


    I am thinking about getting a DNR permit to keep some of these. I am going to put them in a bucket of lye(sp?) for a few months and turn them into lutefisk…mmm.

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